You have your own way of connecting and sharing the Unconditional Love of The Universe. Once you become consciously aware of that, there is no reason to be like any other. You are perfect! ~ Creator
A gentle reminder; your biggest fan is YOU! If you constantly seek outside confirmation of inner changes, somehow, it will never be quite enough. Once you realize that you are cheering for yourself, all things become and are possible. ~ Creator
When you are experiencing a challenging situation, look at yourself and your reactions to those around you as an observer. What do you see? How can you change? What do you wish to let go of? The situation will only remain toxic, difficult or hurtful if you let it. ~ Creator
Stop beating yourself up over the past. Make it an experience in your life, not all of who you are. The only dishonoring that will happen is if you get stuck back there and not move forward. Forgive yourself. ~ Creator
Your ability to create is limited only by what you believe is possible. Practice imagining one thing you believe to be impossible as possible each day. Co-creating with The Universe is as easy as breathing…just allow. ~ Creator
At the very core of your being is a bright and shining spot that was part of The Universe at the beginning and will be until the end of time. Unconditional love is contained there and, like unwrapping a much wished for gift, it is up to you to show the world it’s wonderous beauty. ~ Creator
There will come a time, despite your best efforts, that it is best to walk away. Walking away is not ‘giving up’ or a lack of love. It is self-care and realizing you have given all you are willing to give. ~ Creator
If you treat yourself as a walking open wound, others will treat you the same. If you treat yourself as a whole person, others will treat you the same. How you see yourself is ultimately what the world reflects back to you. ~ Creator
As you move up your ladder, there will be times where you will offer an outstretched hand to those also on their way up. Do not be discouraged at those who choose to watch their shuffling feet, rejoice in the ones looking up. ~ Creator