
Sunday night and music!

Lynne's picture

Last night I was blessed to be at a Brothers Concert at the Abbotsford Convent in Melbourne. The Brothers are 3 beautiful musicians who play guitar, flute, drum and always in the space of gracious sound I was transported by the purity and beauty of their sound offerings! 

How blessed are we to be here right now and to see everywhere the beauty and grace of God!

This morning I wait for my beautiful daughter Brooke to return home from America - so many things to be grateful for...

Come see your future!

Emmanuel's picture

We come to you again dear ones with a message from your higher planes of existence.  It would appear to many of you today that not much is taking place in your world, and things therefore appear to be sitting idle for the moment. We assure you that is not the case dear ones as things are in fact moving along very rapidly and decisions are being made left and right all over the lands of your world. However as many of you have come to the understanding that we must needs land on the surface of your planet before things really begin to take shape we would tell you that we are indeed already here and we have begun long ago to put things in place for your new world governments as well as the numerous announcements that will take place in the coming days.


Message from the Infinite! Not Emmanuel speaking!

Emmanuel's picture

I come to you dear  children as the one you call the All in All, though I am neither one nor am I many, but I Am the pure consciousness that provides the potential and possible building blocks which make up your creations of macrocosms as well as microcosms in all of eternity. As it is a truth that many today in your world and universes will send you messages that will serve in diminishing and even stopping your awakening into the consciousness that will show you that you are I and I am you, I must therefore come to you this hour and day to provide you with the necessary understanding to allow you to consummate this age of your adolescence, so as to move on to your age of adulthood in your ascension once again. For this is not a new thing as some would have you believe, but is an ongoing process that has once again brought you to this stage of your life long illusion and play. The human I choose to use at this time would wish to call this process another one of your “Circles of life.” We say that this term is sufficient.

You are each already where you wish to be

Emmanuel's picture

You are each already where you wish to be!



We come to you again dear ones with a message FROM YOUR HIGHER PLANES OF EXISTENCE. There are quite a few of you dear souls in your world today who are already going from third dimensional existence and life to fifth dimensional life and existence from one moment to the next, throughout your day as you are seeking another life in a different world. You energy vibrations are raising and lowering all the time throughout you day, and you are therefore not yet able to sustain fifth density vibrations for long periods of time as of yet. And if you were you would be ready to leave this third dimensional planet and life before your allotted time.

Season of the Gods!

Emmanuel's picture

We come to you again dear ones with a message from your higher planes of existence. As we too have a sense of humor we would say to you now that the human we use in our channelings often makes us laugh and we see he is a high spirited one, is he not? But you too dear ones must keep in mind that these last days leading up to our ascension are ones where the heat is being turned up ( so to speak). Those who will play key roles in the awakening process in this “consummation of the age” will do their part as if a fire has been lit under their back side ( again we draw our slang from the human).

They fervently wish to see more and more souls awakened every day, and wish for those numbers to grow at a higher rate with each passing now moment. That being said we would ask you all dear ones to come to have more patience with one another in these times, as all will say and do things they do not mean to do and say, and will realize this once they have each had the time to reflect on their words and actions. Remember that you will be dealing with third density beings from a third density standpoint as well as a fifth density standpoint, and the two will become intertwined at times without our even noticing it.

It is time to choose!

Emmanuel's picture




Without going to the trouble of seeking my higher self i believe Emmanuel would be more than happy to take this one. Here we would simply tell you all that this message and all which are similar are from the Dark ones. These messages do not guide us to fifth density or the fifth dimension but only further our guaranteed continuance of life in the third dimension. They simply promise you they will get you to fifth density when you don't need their help dear ones. In fifth density there will be no money as we will create everything at will and instantly.


There will be no punishment as there will no longer be the dark, as they will remain here in third density. Everything you hear in these types of messages, the greater part of them dear ones, is to keep you in this third density world.

Do not be fooled and let go of your ties to money and punishment. Let go of all technology as you will very soon no longer need it.


The Unconditional truth based on Unconditional love!

Emmanuel's picture

The Unconditional truth based on Unconditional love!



We come to you again dear ones with a message from your higher planes of existence. We have sent you other messages of this type recently but they have been intercepted by those who would not have the truth spoken at this time in your awakening process today. They will not succeed however in keeping this message from the public as we will continue sending it out in all areas of your internet until it is known by the masses of your world. And so we will proceed with our message for you all to hear dear ones.

Awakening the God that is you!

Emmanuel's picture

We come to you again dear ones with a message from your higher planes of existence. As we spoke in our most recent message to you  we say again that all souls are God ( the All in All) as all souls are all and everything. The only reason you are not aware that you are all and everything at this present moment in apparent time is becasue you are still in time. If and when you  remove yourself from time you will have awakened as to whom you truly are dear ones. As is spoken in the Christian bibles of your world God is all and everything, and outside of God there is no one and no thing. We have paraphrased a bit but it is all there for those who read or have read the words. You have told yourself through these words alone that you are the One and only God of All and Everything in existence dear ones. This is only one of the many messages you have chosen to leave yourself within your creatiuon so as to act as a signal and triggering mechansim to bring you back (awaken) to who and what you truly are one day.


Everyone will ascend! Everyone will be taken!

Emmanuel's picture

We come to you again dear ones with a message from your higher planes of existence. No one can hide the truth from you dear ones, if you are in fact seeking the truth. In creation and life there is you and that is all there is. There is no one coming and there is no one who has been here other than you.You exist here in the now and you still hold on to the illusion that there is the past and future for you to deal with. You have existed in what appears to be your past, and you exist alone in what appears to be your future, but neither is actually real. There is no one separate from you who is coming here from the future to help you dear ones. There is no one who resides outside of this world and universe that is not you, and so no one is coming to help or aid you in changing the world but you from a place you think is your future. In many cases they speak these words to you ( about them coming) because you have not yet awakened to the point that you can understand these things as they truly are yet.


You are Creative consciousness in your natural state of existence, and you are living the illusion of life in your created state of existence, which you created within your own consciousness, and which is all illusion except for your consciousness that is experiencing the illusion as life and existence. You exist as creative consciousness upon every dimensional plane of existence as you have truly created every dimensional plane of existence from what some would term the beginning. Still you must remember dear ones that there is no actual beginning as you have existed along with God who is the (All in All) since consciousness was aware of His or Its consciousness. When that point actually was or is no one knows but the All in All Himself or Itself.



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