
ST.GERMAIN ~ Love is the Answer

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St. Germain: Love is the Answer

 24 February 2011
Channeler: Marlene Swetlishoff

February 22, 2011

St. Germain: Love is the Answer

Beloved Lightworkers,

I come to thank you all for keeping the sacred fires of transmutation and transformation burning steadily through your work upon the Earth plane. We are poised on the verge of tremendous inner changes, that will be occurring within the hearts and minds of Humanity. As this takes place, be aware that there will also be a lot of cleansing occurring within their Beings on all levels, as it has done with you previously so shall it be with the Awakening Ones. We ask that you practice patience, loving kindness and send your healing energy to those that you see need it.

ASHTAR's Report 2-22-11 Add Your Support!

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Ashtar addressing the February 22, 2010 teleconference:

"Well, Good Evening, and Greetings to all of you, Beloved Ones, and Good Morning if you're in that part of the World. We are so delighted that we are here together!  And yes, you heard it.  I AM wound up, or what did she say, 'wired!' I AM so full of passion and passionate expression, and why, is because we have been waiting for this moment, did you know that?  Well, we didn't tell you.

SaLuSa ~ 25 Feb 2011

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SaLuSa 25-February-2011

Focus on all that is of the higher vibration, and understand that even in attaining a greater freedom souls will have made sacrifices to achieve it.

Go within and find your pathway to Ascension, as it may be quite different to others and follow your intuition.

So be patient now that you are so near to experiencing some really big events, that will provide the evidence you seek to assure you all is well.

BLOSSOM Feb 25th Channeling

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Hello my friends. I have to say that lately things are going so well in my life. I feel TOTALLY blessed and the heart place is exploding with excitement and enthusiasm. It just really FEELS to me that things are happening all around. This movement of Light that we all belong to is certainly building momentum. It's wonderful. It's all coming together and I just wanted to take this opportunity to say thank you to you for your imput and wise words that you give us ... through Love. To me, and to so many, I KNOW it has made a vast difference to the way we our conducting ourselves. So ... from us all ... Thank You.

Dearest hearts. We are but a part of your experience , in the same way you are a part of ours. What we chose to impart is that which we KNOW to be of assistance to the soul's growing. That which you chose to take on board from these words ... is entirely up to the individual so that they may decipher for themselves that which is appropriate for them at any given time. For it is not all that we give that will always blend with each and everyone ... depending on the position they find themselves within their journey and that which they discover to be their Truth.

ST.GERMAIN ~ Additional assistance from Other Universes

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Channeler: Aruna Byers

Change in the world means that the change in your consciousness has made an impact. Conditions have always reflected consciousness. Answer these questions:
1. Are there changes occurring in your life?
2. Can you consider them related to the change in mass consciousness?
3. Can you consider them related to a change in the consciousness of the area where you live?
4. Can you consider them related to the thoughts in your own mind?

SAUL ~ Dishonest and discredited leadership will now go into retirement

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As you wait expectantly for the illusory reality to dissolve into the nothingness from which you imagined it into existence, know that you are receiving divine support on an unprecedented scale.  Vast societal changes are occurring all across the planet, as you are well aware from the media reports, as humanity begins to understand that the freedom it so desperately desires cannot be kept from it.  People everywhere are peacefully announcing that they will no longer submit to the misguided and insane rules that have been imposed on them for so long.  Those who have wielded authority with such arrogance are finally discovering that they have no authority, and that they have absolutely no right even to attempt to enforce rules and regulations on others in order to control and manipulate them.

SaLuSa ~ 23 Feb 2011

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Wednesday, 23 February 2011

SaLuSa 23-February-2011

Let love be your guiding light and give freely of it wherever and whenever you can.

The Middle East is now entering a period of instability until the way forward becomes clear. However, one thing is certain that it will not return to the old ways of dictatorship. The people have spoken and their voices heard all around the world.

ASHTAR's Preview - 2-22 Teleconference

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Marchers in Wisconsin-February 2011
Ashtar's Preview of the 2-22-2011 Teleconference: 
"Greetings, Beloved Family!  We shall have much to say when next we gather, and it shall be a grand celebration indeed!  We shall be celebrating the successes of the Freedom marchers, even as we pay tribute to those who have fallen along the way to these successes.  Their contribution cannot be underestimated, and they have all served with courage and dedication.  We shall also be giving our perspective on the outcome of all of these events. 
"You already can f


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