Tucson, AZ shooting; mass deaths of birds, fish; manmade weather; Wikileaks' effect; Haiti; pole shift; human cloning; soul contracts, multiple lifetimes; 2012/Golden Age misconceptions, reality
1. With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew to speak about happenings in your world as observed from our vantage point. By far the most requests for our comments are two matters of great concern to many, thus we begin by addressing those.
As you know deep within yourselves, you are perfect beings, created by God for eternal joy and happiness. As you experience life in the illusion, it is very difficult for you to bring this knowledge into your conscious awareness. You are so heavily invested in making the illusion real, and all the suffering that is a major aspect of it, that it is very hard to believe in your all-powerful and infinitely loving Father. Many of you believe that because of the pain and suffering you experience and observe around you that a loving god could not possibly exist. It does not make sense that a loving god would create such a world – and of course He did not! – and yet you want to believe that there truly is a God Who loves you and will raise you out of your misery.
Welcome back! In the coming week you will find many of the perplexing questions you’ve had burning in the backs of your minds begin to be answered and all the puzzle pieces will start to fall into place. You will begin to see more clearly what has been behind the events and situations in your lives. Most of you will be happily surprised to find that you were serving a higher purpose and function than the seeming dilemma’s and situations that you have been struggling to balance and bring into equilibrium. True, some of this is personal karma, but a lot of the happenings in your life have been the result of the great Love you hold for all of Humanity and the Earth and your willingness to take on more than your individual load in order to transmute greater amounts of density upon the Earth.
I went into this channel with very little direction as to what this was to be. I knew we would most likely talk about the physical body changes and much of that has been up for me lately. I have been having strange problems like killing batteries in remote controls; many human interfaces do not seem to work for me, especially electrical ones. For a person in the Audio Video world this is very challenging. Sometimes the computer works and sometimes it does not, and forget about touchpads!
We can talk now of the months to come that are set to raise your levels of consciousness, as so much energy is being beamed to Earth. This is wonderful as it means that even more Light than previously will be grounded, and bring nearer the time when it will empower you to bring the sought after changes into being. It is your collective consciousness as much as anything else that is the key to success. It also means that the Light will be so well established upon Earth, that no amount of dark activities will stop its progress. As we have told you before, there will be many distractions and genuine concern where you are the focus of their attention. However, it is part of their final fling to destroy what has already been put into place. Simply allow it to take its own course knowing that it will only have a minimal affect on your future. The collapse would come anyway, as what has proved unsuitable for you as you head for Ascension, cannot remain.
Welcome to all present here, both visible and invisible.
2010 was a turbulent year. It was a year of clearing and sorting out.
Many people have adjusted their truths. Many people have got rid of truths that were imposed on them by the societies in which they live, by their families, religions or philosophies. Many people have freed themselves of obstacles, of frustrations. And for many people this journey has led them to themselves. That was not always easy, because who are you? When you lose your hold onto things, what will be left?
Humanity’s path to awakening has been long and arduous, but the end of the journey is approaching. As you observe the chaos and confusion that is occurring on many parts of the planet, be aware that many of you are reaching out a helping hand to those in need, and that this is happening on an unprecedented scale. By offering help, without judgment or conditions, you are in effect offering, sharing, and extending love, compassion, and healing, and this dramatically alters your individual energy signatures. In your normal daily lives, earning your living, caring for your families, and paying your bills, your energy signature is calm, ordinary, and unspectacular, in fact quite normal for those living in the illusion without undue stress or anxiety.
It has been an interesting few months of twists, turns, trials, and experimentations with the energies in regard to the ascension process, but nonetheless, everything has been designed and implemented in support of the end times, and adjusted in accordance with how things have chosen to unfold….and always, but always in unpredictable ways in recent times, even though the end result will remain the same.
You are achieving a wonderful turn around in your lives, from having touched the depths of darkness. The way back to the Light has been a torturous path where you have successfully met challenge after challenge, and proved your ability and intent to stay fixed on your goal to ascend. Somewhere from within you have mustered the strength to rise above the lower vibrations. Now you are firmly established on a new a path, that promises completion within this cycle of duality. For eons of time it is what you have worked for, even if in latter times you have only known it through the promptings of your subconsciousness memories. It has always been the plan for your release from the lower energies that have held you back. Every credit is given to you for having overcome many obstacles, and today you stand tall and are beacons of Light in the darkness.