There is a time for all of you to get together and shine your light, and that is now. Now is the time to show who you are and what you can do. With all that is taking place in the world and all that is on the cusp of great things, you are in a position where you can emerge and bring forth all that you are, even if it does not seem so at the time.
So, now that I'm in, what can I do? This is all new terrain. Can we post videos, pictures ect or is it only done through links? I still miss the Ning site, but I'll get over it, lol. ellion
Nothing has been left to chance, for that is a state that does not exist
John Smallman | 11/16/2010
As the moment of your awakening approaches, more and more people are becoming aware of a sense of urgency and a sense that something of great moment — but they have no idea what — is soon to occur. The energy of love, compassion, forgiveness, and acceptance that all you Light-holders are demonstrating and sharing is having an enormous effect worldwide, and what you are hoping for and intending is what is being sensed.
What if your separation from God is only an illusion? What if everything you believe about God just gets in the Way? Everybody thinks they know what God is and is not, but do all these beliefs really get a person closer to God? If that was true, you could just read the right book to connect in with God. People have tried that many many times, God is beyond what you can encapsulate with words.