annamerkaba's blog


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Greetings my Beloved Masters of the Universe. The message that I have received from my guides is that this Full Moon of October 13th portal that is coming our way is a very powerful one. This full moon brings with it the energies of change, the energies that will help you to take off the blindfolds that have been holding you back from moving in the right direction for your soul. This is a time to take action, and to examine everything in your life yet again. However, this time, you will have more confidence to do so. Because the energies that are coming our way will assist you in doing so.

This full moon is highly focused on relationships that we have with ourselves, and those around us. Our outlook on life, how we view things and our day to day activities are all going to be examined as if under a magnifying glass. Things that we were able to push down before will begin to come up and we will be forced to acknowledge what is bothering us, and actually take action to either change our outlook on things, or completely change our lives. But this is only the beginning, because all the way until January of 2020, we will continue to purge everything that cannot possibly go with us into the new age.

Thoth – Sacred Walk of the Soul – The Secrets of Key Holders – A portal into the Akash of your Sou

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Greetings My Beloved Masters of the Universe! A few days ago, I have received a very interesting message and a Light Code Seal to go with it. The Seal itself, is something that most of us are already used to seeing, two intersecting angles forming one whole. One going up (as above) and one going down (so below).

But along with this seal I also received symbols that are part of it. An encoded message which reads “Through the seven spiritual guides of the womb, standing still in the healing waters of infinity, you shall be embraced by the light of the heavenly gates of eternal OM”.

When asked what this seal represents and means, I was told that it represents a gateway, a portal, into the Akash of your soul, a sacred walk, a journey of your soul on this planet. Where you, the soul, immersed into the material world, find your way into the spiritual realms, through balance of that which is above with that which is below, and recognition of your magnificence, power and might. Through your connectedness to all that is, and divinity which is directly linked to your ability to choose your experience in the present-day reality. Seven guides of the womb then stand for the 7 chakras of the human body through which one discovers the self, in order to obtain balance within. 


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photonbeltmetratronOn the 22nd of your September, you are all going to enter a photonic belt of light, for as your solar system has indeed stepped foot onto the new accord, the planet on which all of you re are finding yourselves shall take the next step in its evolutionary process, bringing with it, the peace and harmony of the ages past and the ages that are yet to come. A photonic belt of purple recognition principles shall roll out a new set of accords for your planet. The portals of the past shall reintegrate with the portals of the NOW moment of time.

Your ego shall be transformed into a new state of being. Your ego is not going to disappear, it shall simply take a backseat to your thought processes, and you shall begin to see the world through a different set of eyes.

You shall begin to feel the changes in those around you, you shall notice that their frequency has indeed changed. For as their ego dominance is equalized and comforted with the new energies of the coming times, they shall relinquish the power of their egos, and allow their higher selves to take hold of that which they are.

How to get through Ascension symptoms without going mad – A short guide to various remedies that you can use to re balance yourself instantly.

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ascension symtopsI have written this article in regard to the time period of Amygdala Clearance of September Gateway, however, this guide and the remedies mentioned here can be used at any given moment in time, as we move through the various portals that await us.

As has been explained in my recent channeling, the reason that we are going through so many portals and so many transitions over and over again is because a lot of the old energies have been ingrained into human DNA, pscyche and way of life. Much of the old belief systems need to be released, preconditioned ideas erased from our sub consciousness so that a new set of universal laws can be instituted. As you understand human bodies, or what our galactic family likes to call “human vehicles of time and space” have been infused with so much information for thousands of years. That is why a complete transformation cannot take overnight. As we must work towards releasing everything from the past. For example, your present reality has been influenced by a set belief system of your parents, grandparents, and the list goes on. All of this information has been transferred to you. A simple example would be a word association from your childhood. If you think of the a certain word it will bring up a certain set of emotions within you, association with negative emotions needs to be readjusted. It is important to understand the reasons for this occurrence and release the triggers of the past.

~Sirian High Council – The State of Human Affairs – Update!~

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sirianhighcouncilannamerkabaThe unification of your known world is unfolding rapidly within your sub conscious. The resistance from the without is slowly being escalated, the resistance that you are all witnessing in your present reality, the newly formed galactic consciousness of your collective awareness is being resisted by those that are not finding the new reality structure to their liking. The resistance is escalating and shall continue its upward spiral for the duration of the next three months of your earthly reality.

For the duration of the next 6 weeks you are going to witness rising in what you understand to be the violence in your world. For the energies that are affecting you, our galactic brothers and sisters are indeed affecting all who dwell on GAIA.

Here is a video of this message

~Angelic Portal – Children from Antares & Angelic Realms –

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angelicportalToday many things have shifted. I saw an opening of a phenomenal portal of light. Here’s what I’ve been told: The influx of incarnated angels are being delivered to earth. The children that are being born starting today are a new wave of assistance that has arrived in our physical reality via these magnificent children! I am told that this influx will continue for the next 3 – 5 years. So if any of you are expecting or any of your friends are expecting, the children that are arriving starting now are angels and incarnates from Antares. These children are not going to be like any we’ve seen prior.

You will recognize them by the look in their eyes, and various birth marks which will be shared by all of them. These birth marks will have almost geometrical figures, as these children will show us the way of bridging the etheric and the earthly realities via the sacred geometry. All of them will telepathically communicate with each other, all will communicate with everyone in telepathic waves. Please attune yourselves to their energies, as this magnificent energy will purify you instantly. Please allow them to shine their light and allow them to explore their interests. Please record things that they say, as what they say will have a tremendous impact on our reality.


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thehathorslionsgatesupermoonannamerkabaThis post contains a meditation to clear your heart space, activate your crystalline grids and help you to connect to your own self. This meditation should be performed during the full moon which is coming up shortly, but can be done at any given moment in time. This super moon brings with her spectacular energies and so it’s wise to use these energies to your advantage…

Freedom, equality, balance, tranquility, resurrection, remembrance, antiquity, emotional release of pain and suffering, and understanding the stubble energies of unconditional love shall become the primary guiding posts for your earthly selves in the days to come. Accessing the crystalline structure of your being is simpler that you imagine it to be. For there is a mathematical equation that shall get you to the moment of pure excellence that you wish to arrive at. The ground point, the point zero, the zero point of antiquity, traveling back in time, to the seeding of your heart with the new structures of the encoded DNA…


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