This is a very active New Moon in Aquarius as the planet Uranus (which rules Aquarius) squares (friction and stress energy) this New Moon. Adding to the already chaotic, urgent, transformative and at times volatile energies. These last couple of weeks have had very powerful events happening…including 2 powerful Eclipse’s and the major Saturn/Pluto conjunction by degree and minute. It has been a challenging time! These energies are still affecting us and will be for a while…..but it is a bit of a relief to have some of the less urgent energy of Aquarius giving us an opportunity to kind of regroup our thoughts and energies at the moment. Of course it is hard to see/feel this energy with the way the World appears at this time. The energy is still a bit heavy, chaotic etc. but keep focusing on the higher energies…the opportunities that will open up by the things being put in our faces and stay out of the fear.
This Capricorn New Moon/Solar Eclipse is a powerful and transformative one!! With 7 planets, including the Sun/Moon (the New Moon), Jupiter, the South Node, Ceres, Saturn (which rules Capricorn), and Pluto all sitting in Capricorn…..then add in the Eclipse energy…..and we can see and feel that the Universe is getting serious…. and the time to start moving forward is now! This New Moon/Solar Eclipse also includes 2 of 2019’s very important full-year events that will carry into 2020! A Saturn-Neptune sextile and a powerful Jupiter, South Node, Saturn, Pluto, 4 planet conjunction (all sitting together) in Capricorn! All these energies will stay with us and continue to ramp up as we move towards the Cancer Lunar Eclipse on January 10th 2020
We have been living through some intense and interesting times…….and I believe that the “New” that we are co-creating, is only going to get more interesting. The energies have been very chaotic and unsettling…and throw in a bit of the “Wild Card” feeling…. and you have this fleeting month of November. Mercury retrograde has also been very active this month! Miss communications and troubles with Planes, trains, and everything in between….including computer and internet mess ups and problems have shown up. Mercury stationed direct last Thursday……just in time for Thanksgiving and Family celebrations. One thing to remember and meditate on during these times is….staying out of the fear!! There are a lot of Fear based things going on everywhere. Consciously stay out of all the fear in all areas and focus on surrounding yourself with others that vibrate where you vibrate….along with the higher energies of….Love and Peace!
This Taurus/Scorpio Full Moon is high voltage, exciting, electric…. while bringing us profound transformations and changes that happen with the swiftness of a lightning bolt. Awakening us to what in our own world and the world itself …..needs to be released….so that we and our planet can evolve. The energies of the Full Moons and the New Moons over the last few months and for several months (most of 2020) coming up are so powerful that you will feel the energies for several days before and several days after the actual peak of the moons. This is very important to understand as we head into a very energetic, powerful and transformative 2020!
We will start with the fact that yesterday we had a rare alignment of Mercury retrograde transiting (Eclipsing) the Sun! Mercury is our voice…how we speak and how we think. The Sun is our life force. The last time this happened was in 2016…the next time it happens will be November 13th 2032. It always happens when Mercury is retrograde and in the Taurus/Scorpio signs. It took about 7 hours for Mercury to transit over the Sun (you may have seen photo’s of it on the news or at Astronomy clubs that have special telescopes that can look at the Sun). During that time new thoughts, ideas, intentions etc. were planted in our minds. This really intensifies the internalization of thoughts that you are naturally processing during this Mercury retrograde in Scorpio time.
It’s a Scorpio New Moon….one of the most intense, transformative, mystical Moon’s….and perhaps one of the most important moons of the entire Year! With this New Scorpio Moon, we have major planetary shifts happening. We have Uranus (planet of constant change, the Awakener, things happening like Lighting bolts and Earthquakes out of left field, community, humanity, future thinker) opposite this Scorpio New Moon by degree….very powerful aspect. Then we also have Mars (which is the traditional ruler of this Scorpio New Moon and rules the warrior energy, passion, accidents, action etc)…squaring (friction and stress) Pluto/Saturn/South Node and also the North Node!! Then bring in the planet Eris (chaos, discord, jealousy) and we have the forming again, of the powerful, transformative, birthing of New with some Urgency…. Cardinal Grand Cross! It is a time to be aware that these energies are not only intense….but they can also be Volatile. We can see a lot of this in the whole World right now. When you step out your door…you can almost feel them. With Mars square Saturn in Capricorn (Capricorn ruling the Governments) ….it can also reference some political tension and some possible military forces in the World. This sounds a bit like dooms day…but it isn’t. Things are being put right in our faces…rather we want to see them or not….so that we can see what it is that needs to be changed…if we can’t see it…we can’t change it! We are in a time of Radical Transformation for the Evolution of our Soul’s, humanities Soul and the Soul of the Earth. It is a time to meditate and manifest Love and Peace!
This Full Aries Moon … is a powerful one! Pluto…the planet of Transformation is squaring (friction, stress) this Aries Full Moon by degree! Also the Full Aries Moon which is ruled by Mars (the warrior, action) is sitting with the dwarf planet Eris…the planet of Chaos and Discord. Just those aspects alone makes for a
Super charged Full Moon…and it can ignite a lot of growth, or a lot of compulsive and destructive behavior… deep feelings are brought to the surface. We can see this energy all around us and all around the World. The Universe is getting serious….it is a time of Radical Transformation….as we move towards the Evolution of our Soul, the Soul of all Humanity and the Earth herself!! We are on an Evolutionary Journey!
Happy Friday the 13th with this Full Harvest Moon in Pisces at 11:33 PM….and in part of the world this Harvest Full Moon in Pisces will happen on Saturday the 14th at 0:33 am! Enjoy the harvest energies of this Full Piscean Moon….and for those experiencing this Full Pisces Harvest Moon on Friday the 13th…..this connection has not happened since October of 2000 and won’t happen again until August 2049. Enjoy the Magic!
Much has been stirred up and brought to the surface over these last Summer months. We have had 2 consecutive major Eclipse’s in a row….and a slew of retrograde planets, T-Squares/Grand Crosses among other powerful and major aspects! We have been surrounded by a lot of chaos, changes and major transformations happening throughout the world, and within our own personal lives! Things being put in our faces…right in our faces that we don’t like….so we can see them and then change them. We have been through a very intense and transformative period over the last several weeks/months. There is a lot happening in the world and the energies are hard to just dismiss.
The energies leading up to this Leo Super New Moon has been quit chaotic, intense and in some instances almost/most volatile. We had 2 very intense and transformative Eclipse’s in July. We can see the powerful transformations, with a bit of chaos added in, and the changes happening all around us …. in our own lives and also the lives of all humanity around the World. All you have to do is turn on the news for a few minutes. The energies have been quit intense and are not easy for the body or the Earth to handle. When you add in 6 retrograde planets … you begin to have a feeling of low energy, no motivation, and no direction….which seems most common at this time. There is also a sense of emotional detachment…a feeling of being removed from reality. Just remember that the body is trying to embody a lot of intense, chaotic, transformative, and powerful energies. Time to rest, listen to your body and meditate on moving forward. It is almost like we are being asked to take all the insights we have receive and meditate on what has been put in our faces with these Eclipses…..and make a re-start! The happier and childlike innocence of the Leo energies now all around us....will help us start to “play” again.
Happy Cancer New Moon/Solar Eclipse!! Happy 4th of July in a couple days!! In the chart of the United States of America…the Sun is in Cancer…..and this powerful Cancer New Moon is sitting right on the United States Cancer Sun activating it! Making this a powerful time to make intentions and manifest for Peace and an honoring of everyone throughout the World!! Using the Cancer energies of…. Love, Nurturing, Caring and Protection. For ourselves, humanity, the Earth the World and the United States itself! What a powerful statement from the Universe on this (2 days away) anniversary of the birth of the United States!
These intense, chaotic energies that can bring in the feeling of being overwhelmed and exhausted at times…have been building for several weeks and has intensified since the Full Sagittarius Moon on June 17th and will continue through the month of July plus. We puts us at a turning point! Being aware of this is the beauty of Astrology. When you can understand about the energies that are affecting everyone in the World…it gives you the ability to work with them to your highest good. It gives you the ability to navigate them better. It is not a time to go into anxiety….but a time to be aware and navigate….with the help of your guidance.