Blue Diamon's blog

How to deal with obstacles and negative experiences in your life

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Dear Readers,

I read a small book the other day called “Sons of God” and it’s about gratitude, about expressing gratitude for everything, the good, the bad and the ugly! This can be difficult because we naturally oppose that which we don’t like to feel and experience. But when we can look at those things from a higher perspective, from the perspective of the Soul Self, instead of our panicky and judging small ego self, then we can learn from them and not oppose them. This is called being the Observer as opposed to being the Victim. It’s like the bad stuff just wants acknowledgment from you, for your part in its creation. It’s like its saying to you “LOOK AT ME!! Stop opposing me, stop resisting me!” Once we can do that, we can move past it, and give thanks for the experience it gives us, without being drawn into its drama. See?

So we say to the negative experiences and obstacles which we don’t want in our lives, “Thank you for showing up!”, and “Yes, I created you and I am grateful for the experience you have given me, but I am not you, I am Light! Therefore I can now release you into the Light of Love, into That Which I AM!”

Enough!!! It is enough. Please, let there be no more suffering!

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Dear Readers,

Divine Love is the ultimate healer, and will mend all broken hearts. That much I know for sure. Divine Love is the glue that holds everything together,  the fabric of the universe is held together through the Love of the Divine.  I know also that through forgiveness, we set ourselves and others free to feel the Love of the Divine work its magic in and through our hearts. A hardened heart cannot feel Divine Love.

In the words of the Prophet Isaiah "They shall beat their swords into plowshares...". I Google'd the phrase this morning and to my surprise found there is a wall with these exact words inscribed upon it across the road from the United Nations building in New York, in the United States of America. 

I believe that these words apply not only to nations but to ourselves as individuals also. When we stop the killing among ourselves we will find peace as nations and in our World. I pray that day comes soon...

Let there be no more need to point fingers, and no more need of judgement either, for it is in our understanding already that whatsoever we do unto ourselves, we do to each other, and vice versa. For remember,  there is no other in the eyes of God, we are all One.

Happy Love Day!

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Dear Readers,

Every day is a celebrated Love Day in the Higher Realms!

What this means is that you can celebrate love every day if you will only elevate your consciousness into the higher realms. The higher realms are not ‘out there’ someplace, flitting about in the ethers! They are within you, right here and right now!

Yesterday, once I’d finished a private channeling for a client, I noticed my energy was still soaring higher than I’d ever before experienced. I lay down to enjoy this blissful experience which cannot be adequately described with mere words. Nirvana perhaps? Why label it anyway? It is LOVE in the highest frequency that I was able to feel at that moment, which thankfully stretched into a rather l o n g moment!

Now for the first time I understand why Lord Adama has said that when a channel has had the privilege of communing with a higher dimensional Being that for at least 2 hours afterwards, the channel can still enjoy the blissful energy of that Being by remaining in a state of stillness and openness and receptivity within. And the same goes for the client receiving the channeled messages because there is precious energy in those words!! And the energy remains there for as long as you are open and receptive to feeling it. Many clients have told me every time they read their written channeling, sometimes months later, they still feel overwhelming love and peace infiltrate into their being! The same is appropriate for live and recorded channeling.

Message from the Archangels of Mercy ~ Faith, Hope, Love and Charity

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Dear Readers,

Last night as I lay in my bed, the almost full moon peeked through my open windows and shone her brilliantly clear bright light into my bedroom. I’m already feeling the effects of her loving Light and the effect of the upcoming eclipse. Whilst the brilliant lunar energy brings into our awareness all that misappropriated energy which is ready to be embraced with Love Light and Gratitude, the alignment of the Eclipse brings us into a greater awareness of our connection to Source, and into greater alignment with our Christed Hearts.

What an immense blessing this is for us right now as we approach the new month of February! I have a simple affirmation I wish to share with you that I know will help you to receive this energy with ease and grace:

“I open to receive in joy and gratitude, and with much love, the beautiful crystalline frequencies of Light!”

That’s it! It’s important to be OPEN and in JOY. Just the utterance of these words create a shift within your energy field and you will find yourself smiling and relaxing. The energy is powerful and if you are resisting for any reason, you will feel tense and discomfort in your neck, and shoulders, and most likely experience an aching head! Keep your diet light this next week, the energy needs to flow, and also drink lots of water. Water is not only cleansing, its conductive nature helps the new incoming Light frequencies to take effect, be integrated.

Journey with us to the Himalayas in honor of Mother Earth!

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It was in answer to a cry of Love that we found ourselves here, willingly and in complete service to this beautiful Blue Planet named Earth. She became our Earthly Mother and has sustained our life here for many eons of time, even when we ourselves fell into darkness. She cries out to you again. Will you listen?


Journey To The Blue Flame Diamond Temple of the Will of God


The Will of God is the attribute of God that will take you all the way home through its divine grace. When you decide to make a real commitment to your ascension and to your spiritual journey you must be willing to pass the tests of surrender to Divine Will. God does not really want to test you. His love is unconditional. But when you are willing to surrender your will to the Will of God, the universe responds rather quickly to help you to achieve this goal. The minute you make a consistent commitment to your God Presence to totally surrender to the process, your Presence will guide you to the fastest and smoothest way possible to obtain the object of your desire, and literally opens the doors to “Everything”!

Read more here:

Believe and Trust ~ A Special Message for you today from Archangel Michael

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A Special Message for you today from Archangel Michael

Believe and Trust

To resolve this situation, you must believe that everything is healed and whole right now. As your faith grows stronger, the doorway to Divine solutions will open. Your trust enables your mind and body to relax, which increases your creative energy and strength—two qualities that will prove especially helpful to you.

Possible specific meanings: This situation will have a happy outcome • Positive thinking will bring you your desired outcome more rapidly • Give worries to God and the angels • Trust the person you’re inquiring about • Believe in yourself!


Before going to sleep tonight say “Archangel Michael, please enter my dreams and replace fear with faith and trust. Let me be filled strength, courage and confidence. Thank you!”

Special Message from Archangel Michael:

Ask Archangel Michael To Help You With This Situation

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Ask Archangel Michael To Help You With This Situation

The situation that’s concerning you can improve with Archangel Michael’s help. This card serves as a reminder that it’s never too late to get the angels involved, and their assistance will improve everything immediately . . . including giving you inner peace, new ideas, and insights. Michael will help you in ingenious and unexpected ways, so be open to miracles that take on surprising forms.

Possible specific meanings:

  • Know that you’re powerful—you’re not a victim
  • Release any blame for yourself or others
  • Focus upon solutions, not problems
  • Allow other people to help you
  • Keep an open mind to alternative solutions


Dear Archangel Michael, thank you for assisting me with [describe the situation]. Please help me be filled with faith and peace at all times.

A Special Message From Archangel Michael to You:

Energy Update ~ Ride the Waves of Change into 2018 – the Year of Luminosity

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Dear Readers,

The 11.11 Gateway is upon us Dear Ones and the Earth is being flooded now as we speak, with the most powerful Blue Diamond Fire Light Coded energy emanating from Source ever to be received upon the Earth plane.

These powerful Fire Codes of Light are going deep and blazing, clearing, away all that has been deeply hidden within the recesses of your sub-conscious, forging a pathway into the Light as never before, and propelling you forward into a deeper sense of knowing Who You Truly Are.

These Light codes are clearing you from the ‘inside out’, so to speak. The last to go will be your outer shell – the crust, or the suit of body armor you have been wearing as your dense physical form, so you can move into BE-coming Light – a Body of Light -  translucent and transparent as never before.

You may feel like you’re being stripped clear and clean of everything you ever knew, everything you have ever believed or thought you were. You may even feel slightly ‘alien’ when dealing with those who are not in resonance with where you are presently on an energetic level. This may dredge up feelings of insecurity and instability, and may even bring up feelings of hopelessness, we therefore stress the importance of maintaining a stance of BE-ing more withIN your Heart and less in your lower ego mind.

This state of BEing within your Sacred Heart is what is known as 'Presence' dear Ones, and where you will find your Beloved I AM, which is your Source of Everything - understanding, compassion, unconditional love, peace, divine grace and harmony, which can only be found within your Sacred Heart.


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Special Message from Archangel Michael:

Dear One, all of Life is God’s creation. All are borne of Innocence and have in Essence, the Spirit of Innocence within. Always see everything and everyone around you, including yourself, as Innocence. Innocence may become lost a little along the way, or disguise itself within its chosen outer shell, but it can never be truly ever be covered or disguised completely, because it is always there in the very core, the very center of your Being, waiting to be rediscovered. Always strive to see through the outward appearances of others, including yourself, so you can see Innocence. Look at others, and yourself, through the eyes of the Soul and your Diamond Heart, and you will see Innocence. Stay focused in your Diamond Heart, and the rest, as they say, is history [their story, their human fable], for Innocence shall reveal itself, and when it does, you shall weep tears of joy!

~ I AM Archangel Michael

Thank you Michael!

From our ONE Heart to yours!

~Deborah Faith
Archangels and Devas

The Raven Collective ~ Mother Raven Speaks...

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Dear Light Bearers,

A couple days ago I connected with the Raven energy and I was greeted by what they said was a Collective energy for the Raven species. A gentle and loving feminine energy came through – what I later identified as ‘Mother Raven’ – and welcomed my communication with them and she said she was delighted that so many humans are able and willing to connect to the different species and life forms on the Planet now in a conscious way. They said that this is where we are now at – the space in which we are in – which allows us a deeper connection with all of Life here on Earth.

We are at last coming into a frequency which is bringing us into deeper alignment with the Collective Gaia consciousness of the Planet Earth, and all her life forms.  Mother Raven said that those of us who are able to connect at this level now are deeply appreciated for the work that we are doing in order to raise the light quotient on Earth. She also said that it is imperative that we as Light Bearers plug ourselves into the 5D Crystalline Energy Matrix and Grid several times daily, in order to be supported more fully within our rising levels of consciousness and awareness.

She showed me that the Crystalline Grid acts as a kind of sieve between the 3rd dimension and the higher dimensions which prevents those who anchor into its energy from falling through, back down into the lower frequencies, and helps us to keep our energy stable in the higher frequencies so that we less drawn into the unfolding drama of the 3rd dimension.


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