Not the biggest Queen fan. This morning woke up with bliss and Queen playing we are the champions in full stereo in my head. Oooh I really get that song today.
Upon seeing the rainbow meditation of Jose Arguelles something inside of me said no this is not right. And I still think of Jose as the man. In the mid 1950's I was I thought cursed, going out of body nightly and trying to get my size right in relationship to earth. A nightmare. In retrospect I understand this. I relish going and putting as much light on earth as possible, this year everything has changed. From the first of the year I felt compelled to go to inner earth and put this brilliant green jello/slime everywhere I could. For the first time I had etherial help, who I don't know, but I knew this was important. By the time of the Venus transit this stopped, earth was calmer. One month ago I became obsessed with inner earth again. If you haven't read the story, the smoky sun you must, its beautiful. Two weeks ago I returned to Agartha to find flooding. It was the Cabal's final F**k you. Such a RAGE I felt. They had turned on those Haarp burners. I tried for a week to destroy those things, they are everywhere! Which brings me back to Jose's rainbow meditation. It may have been right then, but now I think a meditation of a fluffy pink cottonball over the N&S poles is appropriate. As is the new picture of planetary crystalline grid and rainbow of new earth that was recently posted. This is just a long winded way of saying I did not want you new strong lightworkers doing Jose's meditation. And the fun continues. Cass
Wow, it has been a long ride since the harmonic convergence. Awareness that I had begged for at that time, is just there. Meditations have become natural,as being full of gratitude, and loving those you'd really like to smack in the head. Since 11-11 the energies have been so amped up my head actually hurts at times. Of course I am lucky enough to be in the Ozark mountains of Arkansas at this time, this energy is almost pervasive, sleep, dream, sleep, and sleep some more. Everything seems to be sychonistric, the person I was even 10 years ago seems to have left. What I thought my job on earth as a pleidian seems to be morphing into other areas that I can only guess where that rabbit hole is going. I can tell y'all this, the energies coming onto earth are stronger and more altering than we can really grasp now, its going to a great wild and crazy ride in the next few months. Love to you all. Cass
Brandon Raub is the Marine that was arrested for his facebook remarks about the fed. He was taken to a hospital. Please send him light, love and protection. He is going to need it.