Akashic is Sanskrit for ‘’primary substance’’.
They have been referred to by different names such as: The Book of Life, the Cosmic Mind, the Universal Mind, the collective unconscious, the collective subconscious, and the Soul Records.
It is the past, present, and future knowledge of all things.
It is the universal filing system which records all thoughts, words, and action.
It is the repository of all human experience, a record of all events.
Some say the Akashic records are similar to a Cosmic or collective consciousness.
They are records of talents and knowledge.
They are not actual books or scrolls, though many people see them as such when they access them, but they are actually an energetic vibration. It is this energy vibration that translates into images, forms, symbols, imagery, and language that the mind can understand.
Every person can access their own records.
Access to others records is gained through access to the Higher Self of that person or by one’s Higher Self going to Higher levels of spirit for access )with permission.
Whatever your expectations are….
The Akashic Records Will closely resemble What it is you first Envision it to be.
How can you Access the Records?
There are many ways to access the Akashic Records.
Certain people go into subconscious states to read the records, such as the late American Mystic Edgar Cayce. Edgar Cayce did his readings while in a sleep state, or trance.
He also enlisted the help of spirit, a notable English Physician, who helped provide Edgar Cayce with many of the ‘Cayce Cures’.
Other ways that an individual can gain access to their records is by any of the following:
Creative Visualization