dreaminglygrounded's blog


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I have been pondering about a dream I had last night, and realized it has been a recurring dream, or a dream with the same theme (in the last couple of weeks) it's  been about being really close to people, actually in my dream last night I was naked and just sitting on this mans knee, just feeling the connection, with my head on his chest, there was no feeling of seperation or seperatness. Then I jumped up and threw a dress on and went on my way.....but I had forgotten my bag, and tried to go back and find it, but couldn't find the way. I was thinking i need it, it is me...my identification, everything was in that bag.  Then I ran into another man and we just had this long still hug, no seperation. In thinking about all this, I feel that this shift of consciousness is addressing all the seperation, it's been the world's big problem, the reason for so much angst in our own lives, the feeling of being alone, being the odd one out, the feeling that we have barriers between us and others and oh so wanting to be close, even the seperation within ourselves,  we've disliked and even hated ourselves. And how could anyone love us?...No wonder the world has been in the mess it's been in. But it's all been for a purpose to realize the seperation and intergrate the oneness, Source is doing it, and it will happen we will all be one, no seperation....regarding loosing my bag, I feel it is pertaining to letting go of me, the old me, it's not needed anymore......bring it on I say!!!! xoxo because the closeness in the dream was beautiful, no fear, no self consciousness, just blissful and peaceful.....

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