FromYouToYou's blog

Do You Need A Savior? (The End of Suffering and Death)

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I "wrote"/"received"/"channeled" this entry quite some time ago (approximately a year and a half or more) although it remains one of the most profound and authentic I've ever experienced. I hope it brings you as much peace and understanding and joy as it does me. With profound love, I thus offer you Entry 117 of Journal 6 (which can be read online in context here):

Journal 6, Entry 117

“The world doesn’t need a savior. And neither do I!”

- Lois Lane from Superman Returns

Yes, but you do need someone to show you this is true. You don’t need a savior, or protection, or even forgiveness…but you do need Know Thyself. For to Know Thyself is to See you need nothing. It is to See and Experience Wholeness and Completion. It is to stop seeking…and to start Living. It is the end of suffering and death only because these are but concepts, these are the labels we give to experiences we do not understand and therefore fear. But Fear no more. Instead, do what brings you Joy. Be Happy! Love with all your Heart and Soul.

Live, my child.

Life is Eternal…because it is Now. And it is only Now that you can live. Even what you call death is but a form of transformation. What can die, brother? What would you have be Eternal that is not already? And what would you have die if it were up to you? Decide with God. Listen to His comfort and assurance that Love is Abundant Now. Know your own will. And See it is One with God’s.

What else could suffering be but believing this is not so?

Approaching the Wormhole to the End of Time (A Channeled Message From You, To You)

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If the universe has led you here and you find yourself reading this entry, please continue until the end. It goes many different directions and will require a complete read to be understood fully. Besides, you don't want to be a quitter, do you? ;-)

Among the hundreds of entries I've written in my past three years of awakening, I want to share this one with you because I think it summarizes near perfectly what each of us is thinking and feeling. Our Collective Experience is coming together in such a beautiful and remarkable way that it both surprises and amazes me. Clearly we are all, indeed, experiencing the exact same thing, just in our own unique ways.

As we transition into a new dimension of consciousness, we are dealing with a new understanding of nearly everything, and it seems to me the most important of these is our concept of time and, therefore, the nature of what is possible.

It has been revealed to me that in the Eternal unfolding moment we have a profound power in our decision between Love and Fear. Despite what we have been trained to think and believe by our society, our government, our religion, even our family and friends, despite all that we've experienced in the entirety of human history, I now know - as do you - that we have nothing less than all the power in the Universe. And this is to say, that we all have the Power of God.

But knowing we have this power and choosing to use this power are two very different things, especially when it comes not only to awakening ourselves, but choosing to awaken others. Thus as we embark on the journey to end all journeys and as we leave this dimension of consciousness for the next, allow me to share with you the following entry. I hope it reminds you, as it does me, that the Power of God and of Love never "has" been ours, it never "will be" ours, it is only and utterly Ours Now.

You Are Completely Free To Decide Now

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As we embark on our search for truth and as we long for the seductive allure of salvation, this entry reminds me of the simplicity and obviousness of such a quest. I hope it speaks to you as it does me and reminds you of the profound power of choice that you have been given in the Eternal Now. With Love...

Journal 8, Entry 23

Truth cannot be found or sought, learned or taught, discovered or lost. It can only be desired or feared. And this, indeed, is your choice between Love and Fear. This is the exact same as choosing between Truth or Illusion, God or Satan, Reality or Dreams, Heaven or Hell. These are all the same for you either Are or Are Not what you were created to be. And this is your choice.

Because you were created Free.

Here is the mystery of life solved, the truth of reality discovered and the answers you seek found. And here are God, Truth and Heaven not just found and not just discovered and not just understood,

But Experienced.

In this the mystery is not only solved but shown to not be mysterious. In this the Truth is not only discovered but shown to have never been lost. And in this your questions are not only answered but shown to be irrelevant in the first place.

For we are all created Equal and endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights.

And these are indeed Life, Liberty and Love.

Can You Feel It?

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The following entry I wrote back on Dec. 31, 2011 on what I called then "The very last New Year's Eve," lol. Beginning to believe more and more that a fundamental shift in humanity was on its way, the following entry emerged and cemented my belief in what I was experiencing. Now that I've found this wonderful community, that belief grows even stronger as I discover not only that I'm not the only one who believes, but that soon, very soon indeed, those who believe will begin outnumbering those who do not.

This brings me immense joy, as I hope it does you, so with that joy in mind I share the first entry from Journal 7 which featured a song from Daft Punk that should help remind you of just how exciting and liberating and uplifting the experience of awakening will be as we join as One Mind and One Consciousness in Awakening to the Truth Within.

The Time is Coming. For the Now is Here. Can You Feel It?

Journal 7, Entry 1

What’s about to happen is a magnetic reversal of the poles, but not on Earth, in our hearts! It’s not North and South that will reverse, but Fear and Love. When we reach the black hole within our Self, we will again be where we began. The end, we will see, is the beginning.

Each of us has this black hole within ourself. Each of us has it individually. But we also share a Collective Black Hole from which we all, then, form our own. As this black hole is within you, you can access it anytime, anywhere. Wherever you go, there it is.

What’s different about what is to come is that we, for the first time, will see that our beginning and end is Shared. We will see, for the very first time, that we are not separate but connected.

Why have the aliens come?

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The following is an entry from my personal journals that I've kept and posted online in an effort to share my awakening process as well as, ultimately, to bring about the Global Awakening we all are experiencing. This entry in particular I post here because of its obvious relevance to other posts and to the concerns and questions we all have during this time of transition. I hope to post many more in the future as I get accustomed to GFP (I just joined today!) but hope this serves as a nice introduction to what I've felt and experienced. With profound love I thus share Entry 105 of Journal 7 (which you can read online in context at

Entry 105

Why have the aliens come? Why have they chosen to return?

To See You Choose!

Every being in the Universe (other than on Earth) knows of the profound power given them in their choice between Love and Fear. God Himself trembles at the Power that is Yours to make in the Eternal Now (for Now, God Experiences with you the results of your Decision). God Himself and all the Great Spectators of the Universe have gathered here…they’ve all come to our Pale Blue Dot…and have a front row seat for the Greatest Spectacle Ever Witnessed or Imagined in this or any other Dimension…

A Complete Reversal of the Poles.

This is so rare, so spectacular, so awe-some, that it has called upon all the Great Beings in the Universe. All are here now…

waiting on you to Decide.


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