The following entry I wrote back on Dec. 31, 2011 on what I called then "The very last New Year's Eve," lol. Beginning to believe more and more that a fundamental shift in humanity was on its way, the following entry emerged and cemented my belief in what I was experiencing. Now that I've found this wonderful community, that belief grows even stronger as I discover not only that I'm not the only one who believes, but that soon, very soon indeed, those who believe will begin outnumbering those who do not.
This brings me immense joy, as I hope it does you, so with that joy in mind I share the first entry from Journal 7 which featured a song from Daft Punk that should help remind you of just how exciting and liberating and uplifting the experience of awakening will be as we join as One Mind and One Consciousness in Awakening to the Truth Within.
The Time is Coming. For the Now is Here. Can You Feel It?
Journal 7, Entry 1
What’s about to happen is a magnetic reversal of the poles, but not on Earth, in our hearts! It’s not North and South that will reverse, but Fear and Love. When we reach the black hole within our Self, we will again be where we began. The end, we will see, is the beginning.
Each of us has this black hole within ourself. Each of us has it individually. But we also share a Collective Black Hole from which we all, then, form our own. As this black hole is within you, you can access it anytime, anywhere. Wherever you go, there it is.
What’s different about what is to come is that we, for the first time, will see that our beginning and end is Shared. We will see, for the very first time, that we are not separate but connected.