MélineLafont's blog

Lady Portia ~~ The dawn of a new era ~~ Channeled by Méline Lafont 26/10/2012

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Precious Hearts of mine, I go by the name of Lady Portia and I greet you all sincerely and respectfully with an abundance of Love and Light. I welcome you all in my enlightened energy and Presence as the I AM that I AM. I bless you all and you may take my word for it that I love you all so immensely deep with all of my heart!

The Dolphin Collective ~~ Cooperation; you are the notes creating the most wonderful melody ~~ Channeled by Méline Lafont 23/10/

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We greet you, our lovely ones, and welcome you most heartily! We are so excited to be able to meet you once again through this message and to share our energies with each other. We love all of you so dearly!!


♥ Be cheerful, even more than you usually are, because your hard work and your focus on that important day of October 21st, 2012, which you named “the day of decision, has brought about many things. This collective thinking combined with your earnest efforts has loosened many issues for the benefit of you all, my lovely ones. This is the joining of hands that we have often stressed as being an important part of the process and this is what we mean by that. It is heartwarming to see you react collectively and no longer remaining in a waiting stance till it is all delivered at your doorsteps so to speak, for in all honesty, my lovely ones, this will never be the case.  We want to emphasize in all honesty to all of you, that you are the ones who must get their act together and do it yourselves whereafter the higher worlds and the Lightworld will cooperate to bring it to fruition.  Those countless lessons you have learned are now bearing fruits. The awareness for cooperation and the notion that you create it yourself have both been duly reached, and from now on there will be nothing but reaping the fruits of your labor. Hurray, we have unmistakably reached this important level!  Does this not sound like music to your ears?


Melchizedek ~~ The innovations within yourself, are unfolding your Master being ~~ Channeled by Méline Lafont

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I greet you all, beloved souls dwelling on Earth. I intent to once again step forward through this scribe, as to her it seems a long time ago since our last contact and this is indeed so. My energy has been dearly missed, that much is true. So let’s get on with our message as there is so much to do and so much to talk about, wouldn’t you agree?


Where the road now gradually forms its clear attributes, the higher aspects of this life follow closely by to transform and manifest this reality.

This real and unique display begins to become obvious now in the eyes and the minds of you all incarnated on this Earth plane.  Nothing will escape afore-mentioned transformation. Moreover, everything will take on its original form, and there is no reversing this process. You can only accept and graciously flow along, in the knowing that the creations, created by you all, are in fact unstoppable and will come to pass.


Lady Portia ~~ The portals have activated the manifestations, just like they have activated you ~~ Channeled by Méline Lafont 15

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I greet you all most cordially, my beloveds and loving hearts. Once again I express my gratitude and my appreciation to all of you granting me this opportunity to step forward in this Now moment. I love you all so deeply.

Let’s talk about the recently activated, very important portal of the 10-10-2012. A lot has been said about that portal through numerous other souls, so I don’t have to go much deeper into it. Suffice it to say that you all know and feel that this was the most important portal activation to date. No doubt, you begin to feel that all is reaching a climax point and all that lingers around you is a feeling of wellbeing albeit coupled with extreme fatigue of the physical body. Never before has such a tremendous change happened on a broad scale in as little of time as this has occurred recently.
I am speaking on behalf of myself when I say that I am extremely flattered seeing you thriving into the extension of yourself. At the present moment you are all so much expanding in your consciousness as well as in your physical changes with regards to all your embodiments. Everything is linked, your different embodiments are linked and they too benefit from the present upliftments you are now undergoing. This is what your hearts have chosen, this is what Ascension is all about : to expand yourself in the form of a consciousness, an energy, a state of being. You are life itself, my precious hearts, and this life is eternal.

Saint Germain ~~My blessings and certainty towards you, which you are now taking over ~~ Channeled by Méline Lafont 06/10/2012

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I greet you all from my I AM Presence, I AM Master Saint Germain. I greet you all most cordially.

Once again, congratulations are in order to all of you. I congratulate you all on behalf of myself and on behalf of our ancestors of the Light, my fellow Ascended Masters of the Light and our Higher World in the Office of the Christ, the Highest Light of the Christ. It is important to know, my beloved ones, that there is a feeling of wellbeing and pride amongst all of us towards all of you. You are walking this most difficult path using a fantastic power as a source deep within yourselves and this source does not yet give any signs of giving up. Keep on going, keep on empowering yourselves : that is our advice to you all.
The immense changes to your physical body are now taking on enormous proportions, something that my beloved Méline, can approve of in these present times. She experiences lots of pressure as a direct result of these changes, nevertheless keeping in mind that it all serves a higher purpose, is it not? So keep this also in mind, my beloved ones, as it entails the greatest, most noble purpose, which seems to be approaching now on your Earth. Without these intense changes within your physical body and within your DNA, there can be no Ascension process with the physical body. The latter has to be tweaked and must be adjusted, must be in resonance with the much higher, much finer energies of the light and must be filled to the brim with Love.

The Dolphin Collective ~~Our dimensional Self in Sirius B~~ Channeled by Méline Lafont 03/10/2012

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Greetings, lovely ones. We are most grateful for this opportunity to once again step forward to share our loving energies with all of you. We would like to talk about our numerous incarnations here on Earth and in other Dimensions. We are only known by you as the dolphin species, the ever smiling, giggling  creatures having a heart full of warmth and Love. We nod and confirm this heartily for we truly are indeed always smiling, we are happy and are joyously going through life. Nothing is too insignificant for us and nothing escapes our Love, as we genuinely love everything and everyone from the bottom of our hearts. Of course we experience some grief, in certain degrees, but that doesn’t stop us to consider the reality that we are all One and, as a consequence, are supposed to love and to forgive each other because we are in essence pieces and aspects of each other. To not love, to not forgive equals to not loving, not forgiving yourself. Don’t let these feelings take the better of you and do just as we do : remain loving in all circumstances, no matter what.
To Love and to forgive are very important, and we apply this on a daily basis with regards to humanity, our brethren, whose hearts originate from Love, despite the many deeds to the contrary. We are fully aware that many deeds are in fact done in despair and are misdirected. Those deeds are linked to you through the many illusions still rampant on this planet. Just like you we are thrilled by the upcoming actual transition into the new and Loving world.

Magatha from Agartha ~~The 5D vibration in which you now abide, will now actually transfer~~ by Love Reporter Méline Lafont 29/

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Magatha from Agartha ~~The 5D vibration in which you now abide, will now actually transfer~~ by Love Reporter Méline Lafont 29/09/2012


Greetings, beloved Brethren of Earth. I Am Magatha, of the Agarthan civilization and I thank you for this opportunity to step forward. I bring  great tidings to all of you, dwelling on this beloved Gaia, a planet we share together with you, the surface world population.


Lady Portia ~~ You are swinging between 2 realities ~~ Channeled by Méline Lafont, 26/09/2012

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Greetings, my beloved hearts. I like to dwell in your NOW energy to bring this enlightened message, full of Love, forward to all of you. Let me begin by stating that you are delivering quite astonishing performances ; I like to keep on saying this and I feel how your Love rises ever higher, far above the level of what is needed on the average! We are there, we have made it, we have reached the limit and even outstripped it. I express my gratitude for this ; your enlightenment has shaped your new world and I can honestly relay to you that this shape really is a beautiful form made out of purity itself. Just a little while longer before this new world will be presented to you.
My dearest hearts, you only have the last sprint in front of you, leading up to the finishing line, the biggest one ever. Admittedly, this last sprint can require lots of energy and perseverance, that’s why it is of the utmost importance to give you and your physical vessel more rest than usual. Your physical vessel has undergone many transformations lately and it now contains more and more Light and Love. Adapting to those higher frequencies of Light and Love goes more smoothly now and becomes increasingly tolerable for you as you are really getting used to those adjustments. 

Melchizedek ~~ The telepathic innovations of yourself are signing up on Galactic plane ~~ 23/09/2012 Channeled by Méline Lafont

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Melchizedek ~~ The telepathic innovations of yourself are signing up on Galactic Plane ~~ Channeled by Méline Lafont


Beloved souls, I greet you all heartily from this NOW moment. The time has come again for me to step forward, which I lovingly like to do in honor of all of you. Let me greet and embrace you in my most wondrous Light of warmth and Love, of purity and essence. I love you all so dearly!

Let’s start from the beginning today, from your point of Evolution/Ascension from where you now depart to the next and big leap towards the bigger Ascension. What you have accomplished up until now is that you have duly reached a high level of enlightenment, my beloved Ones. Never underestimate yourselves and be proud that you have already achieved this point which in itself is a most precious milestone. Long has been waited for this level of achievement, long has been laboured to reach it, closely working together with many of us and with many Galactic civilizations.
As to your incarnations in these times, we can honestly say that they are representative of the totality of the Galaxy as each of you could be descendants of a constellation around your solar system or of one far beyond that. Assistance and enlightenment are therefore guaranteed and we, being the Ascended Masters, offer our help in myriads of ways by also incarnating into this Realm.


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