Madame Butterfly's blog

Newest crop circle: What is it telling us?

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A new crop circle has been spotted in England, this time in Water Eaton Copse near Hannington, Wiltshire. The circles are in a field of yellow oil seed rape, and were discovered on May 12th, 2012. 

The new circle has yet to be interpreted and deciphered by experts, however there has been evidence given in previous crop circles indicating that some kind of significant event is about to transpire, according to Ufologist Jamie Maussan.


Fairy Card reading for a Sun-Filled Saturday: Peace of Mind, Magic of Nature, and Making New Friends!

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Fairy Card Reading for a sun-filled Saturday,

The light of the sun has a beautiful ethereal quality to it this morning as it sparkles on the surface of the lake like so many brilliant diamonds....a perfect day for millions of people to meditate on peace and love around the planet together.

Today's reading for our beloved planet Gaia:

Invasion of the Butterflies: 'They're Everywhere!'

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'Love is like a butterfly: It goes where it pleases and it pleases wherever it goes'. ~Author Unknown

Never has there been such a flutter over butterflies as that which is delighting folks all over Ontario, where millions of Admirals and other rare species are appearing in the droves. I noticed a pair dancing their spiral dance around me afew weeks ago, and was surprised to see that this rare breed was not alone, in fact I observed several more that day.

After a rainy colder week nothing much else seemed to appear, and I'd almost forgotten about the rare sightings that day, when suddenly last weekend on a sunny warm day these same brown and orange super fast flyers were zooming across in front of my car as I drove along the beautiful countryside...lots and lots of them!

According to The Windsor Star:

"The "butterfly highway" is seeing plenty of congestion this year, thanks in part to unusually warm spring weather south of the border.

Fairy Card Reading for a Spring evening: 'Make music, Trust your Intuition and save Mother Gaia'

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Hello darlings!

Madame Butterfly here with a fairy card reading for this beautiful rainy spring evening...the sound of the raindrops on the roof giving a warm cosy feeling inside the house....the first card is 'Make Music' showing a beautiful girl playing harp in a garden, a reminder to us all to take the time to listen to beautiful music throughout the day.  In fact this is something I have been doing recently, playing classical and even some 'OM' music, very relaxing and rejuvenating to the body, mind and soul.    

The next fairy card is 'Trust Your Intuition.'  The fairy wears a diaphanous flowing white gown and is wandering through the night garden, a huge red planet behind her left shoulder in the night sky.  Never has there been a time when this was more important.  It has been the driving message all along. Trusting your intuition sounds simple, but there are times when it can prove to be difficult too. The planets are exerting their influence upon us also. 

UFO mainstream media coverage MASS SIGHTINGS taking place

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Mass sightings of the increasingly familiar triangle shaped lights and orbs continue to amaze onlookers worldwide, as new videos surface on You Tube daily. In Canada and the USA mainstream news have begun to report on this phenomena, as people ask the question:

What...or who... is here?

Huffpost's Lee Spiegel writes: "Those triangle-shaped UFOs just don't seem to go away. Whether they're conventional planes, experimental stealth technology or truly unexplained vehicles, reports continue to surface about these aircraft."


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