Integrity and honesty achieve results that can never be attained through confrontation. 12/05/2010 by John Smallman
When you realize what it means — truly understand what it means — to know that you are the perfect, divine children of God, who are loved infinitely and unceasingly by Him, the ecstasy of that comprehension will totally bliss you out. In the illusion, as humans, there is no way that you could imagine in any meaningful fashion what that means. The severe limits your human form places on your abilities as divine children of God is stultifying.
I arrive in this moment of expansive stillness, fully present to what is and opening to what could be. I realize that knowing this, orients me to now with an expectancy which is itself fulfilling! This orientation to wonder gives my entire being a alertness and radiance which feels delicious!
For many people the festive season approaches, so allow yourselves to indulge in the pleasures that take your attention away from the immediate worries. The collective levels of consciousness that result will help lift you all up and bring about a mood of peace and happiness. Now more than ever we ask that your focus be upon future, which will bring the answers to your problems.