Magdalene1's blog


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At the turn of the century the awareness of DNA entered the collective consciousness of the world. We have incarnated into this human experience as divine beings with a blueprint, a set of instructions. We know that a very small percentage (3%) of those instructions make up our physiology.

Carl Sagan writes that most of our genetic information (about 97%) is unused DNA. He refers to this as "genetic gibberish."

Is it possible that most of who we are still lies dormant as our human potential?

In the old paradigm of religion, "potential" remained a mystery to the human mind, therefore we coined a mystical term called "SPIRIT." The old paradigm and its premise stated that we began as biology in the womb of our mothers.

Telliard deChardin, however, tells us that we are not a human being trying to attain a spiritual experience, but, rather, we are spiritual beings having a human experience.

This shift in perception causes a tremendous difference in the way we perceive ourselves in this third/fourth time-space continuum.


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advancements of theoretical physics in the 20th and 21st centuries have given atheists more ammunition to counter, and even lambast, the beliefs of Christian fundamentalists who contend that the book of Genesis holds the truth about the beginning of the universe. Clearly, as Charles Darwin and others first posited the theory of evolution in the 19th century, the scientific evidence has been rapidly stacking up against Creationists.

Popular modern atheist authors such as Richard Dawkins and the late Christopher Hitchens have found it relatively easy to debunk the belief that the Earth has existed for just over 6000 years, as the Bible professes. Every reputable geologist places the beginning of our planet at closer to 4 billion years ago. Whether it is Jonah living in the belly of a whale for three days, or Abraham living to the ripe age of 175, or Jesus turning a couple loaves of bread and a few fish into enough food to feed 5000 people, the text of both the Old and New Testament makes some fairly remarkable claims in light of what we know about physics, astronomy, geology, and other sciences today.

Back Where it all Began
The predominant theory about the beginning of the universe, commonly known as the Big Bang theory, says that it began nearly 14 billion years ago when a singularity point exploded, causing a continuous expansion of matter that developed into galaxies, stars, planets, and the like.


Magdalene1's picture my mind's mind deeper than introspection to the very heart of my firey soul I realized I am dignity on fire the nights eerie cry that whispered why...the morning chill everything is so fresh and still
Inside inside and inside some more beyond persuasion beyond my very core
I have the keys to the.door.

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