motherbg's blog

~Appeal to the Great Cosmic Light~

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Appeal to the Great Cosmic Light

(Every day at least seven times)

Beloved, I AM Presence radiant Light of my soul, Cosmic Light illumination, Cosmic Light of Victory and love coming down to Earth from the universal source, like a thousand suns light from penetrating the Earth's atmosphere, imbuing its entire humanity and its many kingdoms.

Let all negative - illusions, enchanting forces and karma - to be converted from this never indispensable Greater Cosmic Divine Light. Let the great golden age of enlightenment, love, peace, brotherhood and prosperity for all, can be found on our dear planet now with this great cosmic light. With the power of my beloved I AM Presence and the authority of any beloved I AM Presence in humanity, in all kingdoms of the earth with the light of our Mother / Father, united with the power of the Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood
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