What is my role in the great awakening? What do I have to give humanity that is uniquely me? How can I make a difference in my own circle of friends? What is my divine gift?
These are questions that have been following me for as long as I can remember (or maybe I've been following them)... Being a student of metaphysics and all things spiritual for well over 20 years now I've read a library of books on seriously diverse new age topic, I've taken courses, I've gone on retreats, I've meditated, I've seen tarot readers and mediums, listened to online audio, watched video's and you tube and yet I struggle to find that 'thing' that gives me my "Eureka" moment.. and it seems the harder I look the further away my goal becomes.
I hear people talking of 'just knowing' that this is what they were meant to do and I find myself, not jealous as such but certainly wistfully contemplating the day when my light bulb will go on and suddenly my life will make sense...
This morning I went to a book launch, it was for a gentleman who was single minded in his vision to create the first master planned community. It was an amazing story of overcoming adversity, of staying focused on his goal and not allowing the detractors to sway him from his purpose. As I listened to him I thought I'm sitting in a room with 100+ other people and we are looking 'outside' ourselves for the answers... How did he do it? What was the moment for him? Then it hit me, he (the speaker) can't help me be great, only I can do that.
Only I can decide that I will not get lost in my own head and allow that nagging voice that tells me 'you haven't found your niche yet' to drown out my ongoing journey. Only I can decide whether or not to pick up that new interest or delve deeper into an already explored subject.. No-one else