Ra-Raela's blog

Time To Take Back Your Sovereignty By Refusing This Insanity

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Folks, there is a war going on. It is a hidden war, that affects especially young people, children even. Please watch this video, and take back your life and the life of your children. Take off the shackles that are being placed on you to make you into slaves or worse to make you take yourself off this planet!


Save The Whales- Only 30 Days Left!

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Carolin -

Iceland’s whaling industry continues to slaughter whales for black market whale meat and products.

Stop illegal whaling in Iceland!

Tell President Obama that we need targeted sanctions on Iceland’s commercial whaling companies.

take action today

Over 135 endangered fin whales were slaughtered last year along the coast of Iceland — just to feed a morbid commercial market for whale meat.

For Vets and The General Population....Time Sensitive

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Maybe some of you can remember this. Vietnam vets suing the government for exposure to the defoliatiing Agent Orange pesticide. Now they want to spray this stuff on your food supply. This is the LAST DAY to make your voices heard, to keep this poison out of our environment! Please sign the petition!

I wanted to make sure you saw this urgent action alert. There is only one day left to tell USDA to stop Dow Chemical's genetically engineered "Agent Orange" crops. The agency will stop accepting public comments on the approval of these risky GE crops on Tuesday, March 11th!

Please sign the petition today and share it with your friends!



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