ucanlah's blog

Singapore ~ Lion City

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Today is the 9th of Aug. My country celebrates her 47th birthday. It's interesting that the lion is our symbol. In fact Singapore is derived from the Malay word 'singa' meaning lion. In scrutinising the chakra points and grid lines, I see that Singapore is right on the grid lines. We're an extremely small country though. I know I chose to be born here at this pivotal time for a reason. As a matter of fact, each one of us chose our location purposely. NOW it's all about anchoring our light. Never doubt this.

I enclose the Sang Nila Utama story below. He was a king who first spotted this beautiful beast which was a lion. The story has been written off as a myth. Well we know better, don't we. Myths and legends are True and highly metaphysical in nature.

Founding of Singapura
Sang Nila Utama was a prince of Palembang, which was then the capital of the Srivijayan
 empire. Wanting to find a suitable place for a new city, he decided to visit the islands off the coast of Palembang South Sumatra. He set sail in a number of ships as in a fleet. He and his men reached the Riau Islands and were welcomed by the queen. A few days later, Sang Nila Utama went to a nearby island on a hunting trip.

While hunting, he spotted a deer or stag and started chasing it up a small hill but when he reached the top, the deer or stag vanished but he came to a very large rock and decided to climb it. When he stood on top of the rock, he looked across the sea and saw another island with a white sandy beach which had the appearance of a white sheet of cloth.

Asking his Chief Minister what land it was, he was told that it was the island of Temasek. He then decided to visit Temasek. However, when his ship was out into the sea, a great storm erupted and the ship was tossed about in the huge waves. The ship began to take in water.


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I'm just your regular Lightworker. Just being in the Light while it emanates through me. Seems like an uneventful thing to do, considering I was in line eons of years ago just so I can sign up for the job. And I was selected.

I'm no channeller, do not see the ships in yonder sky as much as others do, have little or no recollection of past lives and as for my dreams, well I can't remeber most of them.

And for the spectacular phenomena described by some of my other well-known Lightworker counterparts such as the seeing of sights and sounds, the hearing of distinct ideas from the Archangels and the receiving of answers like one was texting messages from a friend,l mine has been far and between. Amnesia is reigns for the most part, still. Even during these last 5 months.

In a recent message from a credible channeller, the entity spoke of Lightworkers looking around and seeing little or no changes after all their work and effort. Still no spectacular encounters. The entity then urged us to merely look over our shoulders to see how far we've come.

Well I did. Here's what I saw.


A Being glistening in the Light and of the Light

A Being whose countenance I no longer recognised - with joy and peace written all over

A Being drooling in forgiveness towards others

A Being so detached from the drama palying out in her life

A Being who knew that all is Well

A Being of high frequency and vibration

A Being whose HEART was egoless (for the most part) and was bursting at the seams with pure love and joy

A Being of unconditional LOVE


I think this is what I really signed up for. Sure I'd love to manifest the signs and wonders. Who wouldn't. But BEING in love is what we the LIGHTWORKERS came here to be. Everything else follows in due course.

Let's keep BEING the regular LIGHTWORKERS we came here to be.

And be sure to keep looking over your shoulders!

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