The Galactic Free Press Newsletter

GFP Newsletter - 2/28/2018

will's picture

Every meditator has to remember it: One day you will be pregnant with God - whether you are man or woman does not matter - and the unknown will find its way. You are simply to relax and follow it.

You are not to become a guide, but you have to be guided by it. You have to become just a shadow. It becomes the reality and you become the shadow, and wherever the reality moves, the shadow moves.


GFP Newsletter - 2/27/2018

will's picture

The answer is beyond the mind. Those who go on seeking through the mind go on coming upon new questions. The very few people who have found the answer are those who have gone beyond mind, beyond words, beyond language.


GFP Newsletter - 2/26/2018

will's picture

A question always comes from the mind; hence the mind always finds appropriate words for it. But the answer comes from your very being, from your depths of silence where no words have ever entered.


GFP Newsletter - 2/25/2018

will's picture

It has been again and again asked of me, "Why is the whole world against you?"

They are all power-addicted people, and I am trying to make man a pool of serenity - peace and silence and love and ecstasy.


GFP Newsletter - 2/24/2018

will's picture

Power in itself is neutral. In a good man's hand it will be a blessing. In an unconscious man's hand it is going to be a curse. But for thousands of years we have condemned power, without thinking that power has not to be condemned; people have to be cleaned of all the ugly instincts that are hiding within them, because everybody is going to have some kind of power or other.


GFP Newsletter - 2/23/2018

will's picture

Relax, know first who you are. In that very knowing you will know you are nothing but a part of this immense universe, and the universe takes care. Even if it takes care through you it is existence that takes care. You cannot take the credit for taking care of yourself. The ego desires that, the ego wants to be separate; it wants its territory to be demarcated. But you are so one with existence that ego is just an idea, a figment of your mind, it has no reality anywhere. And the moment you understand it, experience it - that there is no ego - you will be as happy as the birds singing, the trees taking a sunbath. All around you everything is immensely joyful.

Ego makes you sad, serious; responsibility takes away your smiles, your laughter - and to me laughter is the essential religion. The capacity to dance and sing, not separate from existence but as part of it, is the very foundation of a real religious man.


GFP Newsletter - 2/22/2018

will's picture

The moment you know yourself, you become part of the whole existence - so organic a part that the question does not arise of taking responsibility. You will respond, but your response will not be a responsibility. Your response will be the response of existence itself, just through you - just as flowers belong to existence, but roses will come on a rose bush. They don't belong to the rose bush; ultimately they belong to existence. And only a stupid rose bush will think, "they are my flowers, my responsibility." But rose bushes are not stupid, they are utterly relaxed, they let existence take care. They are not separate from the earth, from the sun rays; they are joined in a thousand ways.

The rose bush is only an expression of existence: So are you. But first know it! And only with a non-tense mind can one know oneself. So relaxation or let-go are only devices. Once you are so relaxed, the way the trees are relaxed, you will find your roots in existence. All that you have is not yours - not even you; it is a flowering - existence has flowered in your individuality in a certain way.

Existence loves variety, creates unique individuals, unique animals, unique trees.


GFP Newsletter - 2/21/2018

will's picture

Do you know who you are? And if you do not know, how are you going to take responsibility for your own existence? When I say, "Let go," or "Go with the flow," or "The universe wants it that way," I am trying only one thing: to relax you, for you not to be tense. These are only devices to relax you, because only in deep relaxation will you come to know yourself. And once you know yourself, you will not be able to divide your responsibilities, your existence from other's existence - from the whole of existence.


GFP Newsletter - 2/20/2018

will's picture

I am neither for anything, nor against anything. My whole approach is that you should find a deep, relaxed contentment with yourself and existence. Then whatever else happens is just differences in your individualities.


GFP Newsletter - 2/19/2018

will's picture

Every flower has to have its own color, and every flower has to have its own fragrance, and neither roses should be compared with lotuses, nor lotuses should be compared with roses. They are all beautiful.

The variety itself makes this existence so rich. This is one of the fundamentals I would like never to be forgotten. All the religions, all the mystics of the world, have been quarreling because of their different experiences. But they have forgotten one thing, that every individual is so unique, the experiences cannot be the same.

Only one thing can be the same and that is a deep contentment. Whether it is love, or it is nothingness, or it is silence, or it is ecstasy, one thing is running through all of them like a hidden thread running through a garland of flowers - and that is a deep contentment.



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