The Galactic Free Press Newsletter

GFP Newsletter - 8/22/2015

will's picture

Drop all kinds of egoistic ideas. There is no purpose, neither man nor woman, neither birds nor animals. There is no purpose, there is no goal. The existence is not moving towards something. It is a sheer joy, exuberance, a ceremony, for no other purpose at all.

Life delights in itself, energy delights in itself. It is like a child, jumping and dancing and shouting.

If you ask him for what purpose, he will be surprised at your foolish question. Shouting, jumping, dancing is enough. What other purpose is needed? But as you grow older you forget this; you start doing things only if they pay. If there is a good payoff, only then do you do things.

Otherwise, the question goes on haunting you: "What is the purpose?" You don't sing a song without any purpose. You don't dance, you don't love, you don't paint, you don't sing. What is the purpose?

Unless you are paid! So money seems to be the end of it all. And what is the purpose of money?

You will be gone and the money will be left. And your hundred-rupee notes will think, "So we were the purpose of this man. Now we are here and he is gone. He had certainly come here to collect us, what else?" You will be gone, your house will be here, and the house will say, "Look! So we are the purpose of this man's life. "

There is no purpose at all. This understanding brings freedom; this understanding is what I call spiritual insight. The man who lives for some purpose is a materialist; and the man who simply lives for no purpose at all, the man who simply lives as if he is on a morning walk, not going anywhere, that man is spiritual, his life is holy. That is sacredness.


GFP Newsletter - 8/21/2015

will's picture

Somebody asked Pablo Picasso, "What is the purpose of your paintings?" and he said, "Why don't you go in the garden and ask the rose flower, 'What is your purpose?' Why don't you go to a bird singing: 'What is the purpose?' Why don't you ask the sun and the moon? Why do you bother me?

If the rose can bloom without any purpose, why can't I paint a picture? I enjoy painting, and that's all."


GFP Newsletter - 8/20/2015

will's picture

Existence is playful, not purposive. It is leela; it is not work. But we think in terms of economics, business; we think in terms of the marketplace. Everything has to be with purpose.

People come to me and they ask, "What is the purpose of meditation?" They take it for granted that there must be a purpose behind it. There is none. Meditation is its own end; there is no end beyond it. What is the purpose of love? Is love a means to something else, or is love an end unto itself?

Purpose means division, division between the means and the end. What is the purpose of these green trees, and what is the purpose of the bird singing, and what is the purpose of the sunrise, and what is the purpose of the starry night? What is the purpose? If there is some purpose, you would have a very ugly existence.

And then the question will persist. If you say, "'A' is the purpose," then the question will arise, "What is the purpose of 'A'?" And there will be no end to it.

There is no purpose at all. That's why life is so beautiful.


GFP Newsletter - 8/19/2015

will's picture

We need contemporary mystics; we need people in whose hearts new Upanishads can arise. We need people who can talk the way Jesus talked, on their own authority. We need courageous mystics who can say they have experienced God, not because the scriptures say God is, but because they have known God; not just learned people, knowledgeable people, but people of wisdom.

Enough of scholarship. Scholarship is just very mediocre; scholarship cannot bridge modern science with mysticism. We need Buddhas, not people who know about Buddha. We need meditators, lovers, experiencers. And then the day is ripe, the time has come, when science and religion can meet and mingle, can be welded together. And that day will be one of the greatest days of the whole of human history; it will be a great day of rejoicing, incomparable, unique, because from that day, the schizophrenia, the split humanity will disappear from the world. Then we need not have two things, science and religion; one thing will do.

For the outer it will use scientific methodology, for the inner it will we religious methodology. And "mysticism" is a beautiful word; it can be used for that one science or one religion, whatsoever you call it. "Mysticism" will be a beautiful name. Then science will search for the outer mystery, and religion will search for the inner mystery; they will be the two wings of mysticism. "Mysticism" can become the word that denotes both. Mysticism can be the synthesis of both.

And with this synthesis, many more syntheses will happen on their own accord. For example, if science and religion can meet in mysticism, then East and West can meet, then man and woman can meet, then poetry and prose can meet, then logic and love can meet, then layer upon layer, meetings can go on happening. And once this has happened, we will have a more perfect man, more whole, more balanced.


GFP Newsletter - 8/18/2015

will's picture

Drop the mind that thinks in prose; revive another kind of mind that thinks in poetry. Put aside all your expertise in syllogism; let songs be your way of life. Move from intellect to intuition, from the head to the heart, because the heart is closer to the mysteries. The head is anti-mystery; the whole effort of the head is how to demystify existence.


GFP Newsletter - 8/17/2015

will's picture

Those who have experienced, they become dumb. Not that they stop speaking, but they speak about the methods, they speak about the way. They don't speak about the truth. They say how to attain it, they say how to avoid the pitfalls on the path, they say how not to go astray, they say, "This is the way, this is the direction," they give you a few maps, road maps, they make you aware of a few signs that you will come across on the road so that you can be certain that you are moving in the right direction - that's all they can do - but about the truth, or God, they can't say a single word.

So that meaning is also beautiful; myein means "to keep one's mouth shut". It is from these two words: from myein comes mysterion, from mysterion comes "mysticism".

Mysticism is the very soul of religion.


GFP Newsletter - 8/16/2015

will's picture

You have seen a beautiful tree and when you say to somebody, "I have seen a beautiful tree," what does it contain, the word beautiful "tree"? It does not contain the greenery of the tree; it does not contain the shape arising in the tree; it does not contain the roots that have gone deep into the earth; it does not contain the sun rays falling on the tree leaves and dancing; it does not contain the beautiful flowers of the tree, and the fragrance, and the smell of the wet earth that surrounds the tree, and the nests of the birds and the song of the birds. What does it contain when you say, "I have seen a beautiful tree"? It contains nothing. The word has no roots, the word has no wings, the word has no gold, no green, no red - the word is colorless. The word is very poor. "Tree"? It is only symbolic; but it is meaningful because we all know trees, so when somebody says, "I have seen a beautiful tree," you can have a little understanding about it.


GFP Newsletter - 8/15/2015

will's picture

Mysticism means you have seen something, you have experienced something, but you cannot express it. Mysticism means you have come across a truth which makes you dumb. It is so big, so huge, so enormous that it cannot be contained in any word. Not even the word "God" contains it. That's why Buddha dropped the word "God". It is bigger than what the word "God" can contain.

Not even the word "soul" can contain it; that's why Buddha dropped even that word. These are just words; reality is far richer.


GFP Newsletter - 8/14/2015

will's picture

The word "mysticism" comes from a Greek word, mysterion, which means "secret ceremony". The people who have touched the unknowable gather together to share. The sharing is not verbal; it cannot be verbal. The sharing is of their being; they pour their being into each other. They dance together, they sing together, they look into each other's eyes, or they simply sit silently together.

That's what was being done with Buddha, with Krishna, with Jesus, in different ways.

The lovers of Krishna were dancing with him. That was a mysterion, a secret ceremony. If you look from the outside at what is happening you will not be able to know what is really the case. Unless you become a participant, unless you dance with Krishna, you will not know what is being shared, because that which is being shared is invisible. It is not a commodity, it cannot be transferred from one hand to another; you will not see anything happening like that. It is not objective. It is the flowing of one being into another, flowing of the presence of the Master into the disciple.


GFP Newsletter - 8/13/2015

will's picture

A river disappears into the ocean. Do you think the river comes to know the ocean? It becomes the ocean, but there is no knowing. In fact, when you become one with something, how can you know it? Knowledge requires division; knowledge is basically schizophrenic. The object has to be separate from the subject; the knower has to keep a distance from the known. If the distance disappears, there will be no knowledge possible.

And that's what happens in mysticism: the seeker becomes one with the sought, the lover dissolves into the beloved, the dewdrop slips, falls into the ocean and becomes the ocean. There is no knowledge. In such unity knowledge is not possible. In such unity there is only experience, and experience not of something outside you, but something inside you. It is experiencing rather than experience.



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