The Galactic Free Press Newsletter

GFP Newsletter - 8/27/2018

will's picture

The moment the mind becomes your master, then the problems arise; then it displaces your heart, displaces your being, takes over the whole possession of you. Then rather than following your orders, it starts ordering you.


GFP Newsletter - 8/26/2018

will's picture

When love is abundant, overflowing, a presence surrounds you. You cannot catch hold of it, but you can feel it.

The presence transforms you from the world of human beings into the world of eternity, immortality, from all kinds of lies that religions have been preaching to you, to the naked truth of existence.


GFP Newsletter - 8/25/2018

will's picture

Love, and you will find God. Love, and God will find you. Love, and as your love will mature, it will turn into something superhuman, into something divine.

It is not a question of belief; you cannot believe in God. And there is no need to believe in love because you can experience love. In the temple of love, the very silence of the temple, the very spaciousness of the temple, is godliness.


GFP Newsletter - 8/24/2018

will's picture

There is no one who has dared to deny that love does not exist. There is almost half of the population of the world which denies the existence of God; but there has been nobody, not a single person, who denies the existence of love. Because love is a potential in your heart, you can grow it. And when it comes to its blossoming, when the spring comes and the fragrance comes to the flowers, you will know what godliness is.


GFP Newsletter - 8/23/2018

will's picture

God cannot be proved because it is an attribute of love. But love can be proved. Love cannot only be proved, it can be lived. And as you live love you will know, something divine has entered into you. You are no longer just an ordinary human being. Something in you, in your consciousness, has gone beyond humanity. And that beyond-ness, the taste of that beyond-ness is, the only argument and the only evidence of something which people have called God.


GFP Newsletter - 8/22/2018

will's picture

To me there is no other prayer than love possessing you so totally that nothing else can remain inside you; love needs all the space and you have to throw all junk out of your being. A great love is the only prayer, the only true prayer. And Jesus is right when he says, "God is love." Just a little improvement is needed, because for two thousand years the statement has remained the same.

Statements don't grow with the evolution of consciousness, we have to change them, give them higher dimensions.

Jesus says, "God is love." I would like to say to you, "Love is God." On the surface you will not see much difference, but there is a great difference. "God is love" implies that he can be many other things, love is not his totality - he can be just, he can be all-powerful, he can be all-seeing, he can be present everywhere; love does not exhaust his whole being, love is only one of the attributes of God. But if you change it into "love is God", then God becomes an attribute of love.

And love has no other attributes. Love is the only experience on the earth which is not of the earth, which is not of this world, the only experience which can give you a taste of the beyond.


GFP Newsletter - 8/21/2018

will's picture

Love is a miracle. If it happens, and you are totally involved in it, then it takes all the energy from fear, from self-condemnation, from doubt, from sadness, from misery, from anxiety. And once the energy is taken away, all those concepts are only corpses; they lose their grip on you.


GFP Newsletter - 8/20/2018

will's picture

All the religions live on fear; they make every child fearful. And the fear becomes the psychological atmosphere of your being. So you are never total in doing anything, you are always hesitating - whether it is right: what you are doing, is it going to lead you towards reward or towards punishment; are you coming closer to God or going farther away? Each step is full of fear. And because of this, religions have been able to exploit you.

A man who has no fear cannot be exploited. He lives his life according to his own light. He has a lifestyle which is his, not borrowed, not given by somebody else.


GFP Newsletter - 8/19/2018

will's picture

How can you doubt if you don't believe? It looks strange, but it is not. Belief is an effort to repress your doubt. So underneath every belief there is doubt. But if there is no belief system, there is no place for doubt to exist.


GFP Newsletter - 8/18/2018

will's picture

Shame and fear and self-condemnation, they all need energy from you, your support. On the surface you think you want to get rid of them, but deep down you are supporting them; otherwise, they cannot exist. They are parasites.

Love takes up your whole energy - nothing is left for anything else. It is total and intense; that's why, except for love, everything disappears. It is a very simple phenomenon in a way, just you have to understand that love has a magnetic force which neither doubt nor shame nor fear nor self-condemnation have.

Love is your very being, and all these things have come from the outside. Doubts have been created by people who are giving you beliefs. If you don't have any belief, you don't have any doubt. Have you ever thought about it?



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