
The Galactic Surge of Light Within GAIA

WTC Mel and Mike's picture

Lord Great Bear is the Logos of Sirius within the Universal Level (24th dimension through the 35th) that oversees the Christed Intergalactics and work within his essence.  Some of planets that he works with are the Arcturus, Pleiades, Andromedea, and Sirian-B.  He oversees these planetary systems to stay in alignment with the Divine Guidance of the Cosmic Level.  He works directly with the Ashtar Command and Lord Sananda on communication of the Galactic forces within the Universal Structures including the Solar Level of Earth.

The following message was conveyed from the perspective of the Galactic forces as it represents our alignment with our Star Brothers and Sisters in a more powerful way.  As each of the Christed Planets becomes aligned within Oneness of the 144th dimension, they are releasing the old elements that have kept them separate from the Earth’s energies.  We look to them for help and many of us feel at HOME with their essence.  This is the first part of understanding the changes through Uranus-Pluto Square on November 23, 2013 and continuing with Comet ISON.

This means that we are bringing the energies of the Galactic timelines into our present timeline for them to be healed and to help GAIA ascend.  It must come from a vibrational rate at first and this is what ISON is presenting to us.  We have the power to make this a positive experience but we must work within our own consciousness to release anything that does not serve the higher purpose.  This means that there could be havoc upon the planet within certain individuals and geographic areas.

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