contemporary stops

Motivational energy

Mario's picture

Motivational energy

Respects to the adepts we impart on the symmetric alignments in postulating bonds of acute symphonic resonances...

They departed within the conforming grids... Exceptions from above in manifestations of core constructs in the impasses...

They fore played actual telemetry once the higher graded aspects confine from the life knowledge inferior to the adaptations within the many mappings...

Condoning a time of greater telemetry was in terms higher concepts... They are acquired for the replaying... The fields in cooperative links... Inquire on those links while they abide in lower constructs...

The simplified versions of condoning the higher intellects are given in sub stasis...

The remaining parts are connotations of the higher mind.

Responses to a new earth...

Individually having acquired the adaptations for these to commence... They are aspects of a system while condoning to symmetric alignments... What we term as symmetric alignments is simply a portal to an altered state of being... A key component in how the mappings are reluctant in the formations of experiences for the usual adaptations to the implementation within the postulating bonds... What is termed as the postulating bonds is simply higher graded systems which we turn to... We imply on condoning these higher teachings if people resonate with certain aspects within deviations... What was termed as that component is now a higher intellectual map... Gathering the aforementioned parts of these creations or so channelings...


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