Crystal Magic Orchestra's Cosmic Music and Cosmic Jazz


Joe Barnett's picture


by Dr. Angela Barnett

You are welcome to check out our new ETHERIC SUBSTANCE MUSIC PAGE and discover a few true JEWELS of Frequency of Etheric Substance within the music, such as the Spiritual Carrier Wave of electromagnetic substance that was known as the magical substance that was found floating on the surface of the bodies of high ascended masters in Egypt.

This etheric spiritual substance forms itself from the pre light substance of plasma in the forms of hydrogelaisic, liquid light and pre radiation gold waves. All of this magical transformational substance is what has always been used to raise the body into such high spiritual waves that the body would become a plasma body and then disappear into light.
There have been many masters living on Earth who have been able to levitate their bodies into the level of light that allows bi-location, and there are many who travel with their etheral body that the Soul becomes at night, called the Astral body.

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