#holy #DNA #evolution #higgs

The evolution of Holy DNA.

Sean McCleary's picture

By: Sean McCleary.
There are specific reasons that Jesus evolved here on Earth over 2000 years ago. His evolution here had to deal with the evolutionary development of planet Earth and the human race which is happening in a very powerful way now. Jesus promised the coming of the Holy Spirit in the Book of John. The Holy Spirit is the second paraklete and evolves here just like Jesus did in a human body. Both Jesus and the Holy Spirit transfer their consciousness from the 5th dimension which is located in the Whirlpool galaxy into Earth's consciousness and redevelop in the structure of a human body.
Human beings transfer into God's home everyday from planet Earth. Universal Consciousness is incorporated into Earth's consciousness for Earth's evolutionary development. There is a level of consciousness contained within Universal Consciousness that is the foundation for Universal Consciousness and contains the most power. This is an energy field called the Higgs field. This universe is surrounded by and contained within Infinite Consciousness. Infinite Consciousness gave birth to this universe with the introduction almost 14 billion years ago. This universe had to be conceptualized and designed because it has an identity and so does everything contained within the universe; and serves a particular purpose.

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