raising vibrations


Eddie1177's picture

LIFE IS TOO SHORT and we spend too much time taking advantage of the opportunity we have to interact with one another and make each other feel loved and appreciated. so i took it upon myself to take it back to how life used to be before social media and make some people smile. hope it rubs off on you as well and you also start to make the world smile. i love you. :]

Brilliant crow makes a sled out of mayonnaise lid, has more fun than you’ve had all winter - VIDEO

Eddie1177's picture

Crows are smart, no doubt. Remember that story about the crow prompting some humans to pick out porcupines quills? That was pretty crazy. But this is just over the top on ingenuity. The little guy even pecks into his sled to try and carve out a longer trail before taking off for better slopes.

Stray Dog Accompanies Ukrainian Street Performer In Impossibly Adorable Duet (VIDEO)

Eddie1177's picture

He told a local news source that a stray dog approached him and began to "sing" along while he was playing the clarinet for spectators in the city of Dnepropetrovsk's European Square.

"It's not mine, [he] just came up when I sat down and began to play the first note," Ivanovich said.

The duo was a big hit. The video of their impromptu performance was viewed more than 240,000 times since it was posted to YouTube late last month.

And the best part? Ivanovich took the dog home with him after the show.



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