
Tryptophan – The Natural Antidepressant and Sleep Aid Pulled to Save Prozac

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Naturalsociety, By: Christina Sarich, 10/26/2013

newsweek prozac cover thumbnail 263x199 Tryptophan – The Natural Antidepressant and Sleep Aid Pulled to Save Prozac

Several years ago, the FDA pulled tryptophan (an amino acid) from the US market when a contaminated batch was delivered to the American soil from Japan. Several people got sick, but it had nothing to do with trytophan itself, and only the fact that it was contaminated. In fact, trytophan is far safer than many of the sleeping pills on the market today (which have been linked to cancer and premature death). Still, it was pulled from the market, primarily to save FDA’s buddy, big pharma.


Part of the reason it was pulled from the market by the FDA was not to protect our health, but to protect the bottom line for drug companies. As a natural substance, L-tryptophan cannot be monopoly patented, which is a problem for the FDA and big pharma. Tryptophan is not only a safe way to deal with insomnia, but it also calms frazzled nerves and can be used as a safe antidepressant. It was big competition for Prozac, which has since been called less effective than a sugar pill and much more toxic.

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