Trinity Esoterics

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday October 7, 2020

It is very difficult to plan during times of accelerated change. The reason for that is what feels like an energetic match to you now may not be a match at all by the time it arrives for the energies may very well have shifted by then. You are in a time of flux. Do not allow this to frustrate you, but rather see it as proof positive of the time of profound change you are experiencing.

For now, until the energies reach a greater predictability, we encourage you to stay as present as you can. Make your decisions one right now moment at a time. Try to make your plans as close to the actual event as you can to minimize shifting out of the alignment with them. Keep embracing flow and expansion, and allow things the space and freedom to unfold rather than trying to constrain and control.

The unpredictability you are experiencing right now, while it can feel uncomfortable, is honing your skills of presence and flow. Do you see? Even the things that frustrate you have deeper meaning and purpose in your lives, and will serve you well for both your todays and your tomorrows. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday October 6, 2020

You make room for miracles when you’ve exhausted all the options you are already aware of. When you just don’t know how to proceed you naturally open to expansion and exploration. One of the most common themes of 2020 is being in a space of not knowing. What we wish for you to understand is the not knowing will ultimately offer you the opportunity for miraculous change. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Saturday October 3, 2020

What are your core values and needs? During chaotic times it is important to know what those energetic essentials are in order to shut out the noise and be able to make choices that are in line with your truth.

It does not need to be complicated. Find the key elements that you resonate with the most, that settle in your heart and feel wonderful, and use those core elements as a template to discern if an option is a true and empowering match for you.

If you stay true to those energetic essentials you will very consistently and consciously make choices that support the creation of a reality that operates predominantly from those values. And that, Dear Ones, is exactly how the new earth will be born. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Thursday October 1, 2020

Many enlightening human beings struggle with procrastination. What we wish for you to know is that procrastination is choosing to actively resist surrendering into the flow of creation. If you understand resistance only leads to discomfort, you can see it is a curious choice.

The flow of creation leads to expansion. So if you are finding yourself procrastinating it can be helpful to sit and ask yourself why you are feeling uncertain about the expansion your soul is calling you forward to experience. How can you love and lead yourself to shift into that flow? You can bring much relief by encouraging yourself into taking even the smallest action toward that goal.

The greater the resistance the greater the comfort you will feel through surrender. We want you to know that with your wisdom and awareness you can shift out of this pattern and begin to embrace your expansion without the precursor of procrastination and the discomfort it brings. This will smooth out your flow and add greatly to the grace, ease, and joy of creation that is always available to you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday September 30, 2020

Luminosity is the authentic light of the soul. It is beautiful and loving and safe. Never be afraid to allow that light to shine for it is the most empowered way to lead your way forward into your highest life expression. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday September 29, 2020

Dear Ones, you always know if you are settling. Settling will never give you long term satisfaction because you will be trying to thrive in energies you already know are not a match to who you really are and how you truly wish to live. Love yourselves enough to wait until you align with what excites and delights you. You will save yourselves much time, trouble, and discomfort if you simply have the faith and the patience to hold the space until your heart gives you a resounding yes. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Daily Message ~ Monday September 28, 2020

People begin to seek miracles when they come to the realization that the mind has taken them as far as it can go. It is the profound act of shifting out of the mind into your faith with a willingness to both be moved and receive that makes miracles possible. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


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