Galactic Free Press

Current and previous editions of the Galactic Free Press.

~Earth Ally Will Harader~ A Different Perspective On First Contact~

Lia's picture


 Cloaked Ships Hanging out Photo By Earth Ally Will Harader




I'd like to dispel any preconceptions about what First Contact looks like. Humanity has dreams of enormous Starships flying through the atmosphere, and forever changing the Earth's relationship to the Universe at large. I'm not saying this isn't what it's going to look like, but that's only one aspect. For many people, First Contact has already happened. In fact, for a tiny portion of the population, Contact has been happening for thousands of years.


The Extra-Terrestrial Beings aren't so alien as many people believe. They've been visiting Humanity for quite some time, but people have had many different words for them. They've called them angels, djinn, devas, tenshi and Ascended Masters among other things. Recently, there's been talk of cloudships, Starships that take the form of clouds, but is this really something new? The angels were said to live in the clouds, the genies (djinn) rode around on clouds, and you can find many more references of angelic beings coming from or living in the clouds if you search through the various cultural mythologies. In many of the recent reports of Contact with Extra-Terrestrials, these glowing Beings come down from the sky. This is another pattern you can see repeated all throughout history.


~ Join Your Earth Allies~ For the Live~ Love Internet Party Today at 1:30pm Pacific

Lia's picture

~Join us For the Live Internet Love Party Today Hosted By Humanity's Earth Allies at 1:30pm Pacific~


Party Of All By Earth Ally Will Harader


Join us for Music, Fun, Laughter, and Being One in Unity as a Family of Light!


We will Be Gathering as One Love!!! Join us and Please Share with Other Groups, friends and Family.


Here is the Link to Join us and Share


~ The Earth Allies Would Like Your Feedback~

Lia's picture



WE are Here For You and Your Joy



~ How is the Galactic Free Press Supporting You or not?


We Would Like to know!! Thank You for Participating with us, So we may Serve You Better. We are Here for YOU. We Love You. Our Greatest Joy is Your Joy. Thank You for Giving us Some Feedback~ Any Feedback Comments May Make the Main Story Line!


Thank You for Sharing Your Thoughts and Love Below!


Love The Earth Allies


Ps, We are Already Preparing for the Internet Love Party which will Begin Saturday at 1:30pm Pacific, JOIN US IN LOVE and ONENESS

~ Earth Ally Will Harader~ ~WE Need Rules Right?~

Lia's picture

~ Earth Ally Will Harader~



~WE Need Rules Right?~



We need rules right? Well, let's look at what rules have brought this world. The American Indians lived in relative peace and harmony for thousands of years. Not that they never fought with each other, but it was nothing compared to the wars going on in Europe at the time. They lived in cooperation with their neighbors and never had any need for strict sets of rules. Then the white man came and brought so-called civilization. He introduced things like property ownership, religion, all sorts of rules that we're supposed to keep people from fighting with each other. Then the white guys proceeded to slaughter the Indians by the hundreds of thousands. Their rules said they could do it. Even their religions, supposedly based upon a guy called the Prince of Peace, allowed for it. So the rules, that people swear up and down bring harmony to the world, brought the exact opposite and actually endorsed genocide.


~ Stop The Press!!!` Join US Live for Our Weekly Council Meeting~

Lia's picture

Beginning at 10:30am Pacific We Will Have Our Weekly Council Meeting via This Link.


The Press Will Resume at about 2:30pm Pacific



Any Breaking News will Be Posted Immediatly.


Please Join us as We Will Discuss what Is Happening with these Higher Energies Which Flowed in from Yesterday's Venus Transit, and

the recent Messages from Sheldan and Mike Quinsey. We will Also Answer any Questions You Might Have About what is Unfolding.


We Love You, We are Here For You


Join US, Love The Earth Allies

~ Join US Live Now~ For The Internet Love Party for The Return of The Goddess~

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~ Join us For the Live Internet Love Party and Meditation for The Venus Transit ~The Return of the Goddess Energies~



~We Have Arrived~



Thank You for Sharing with your Groups, And All Loved Ones.


Venus Incarnate

Venus herself emerges from the gaping jaw of the Earth Monster, she holds the double headed Serpent bar usually held by Mayan Kings.

Glyphs around her tell of her pure heart and the shifting of the Ages.  Bees hover in the Mothership above her.

Prints available, also Private Maya Horoscope charts.

Return of the Goddess ~ Update Cobra Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~

Lia's picture

Return of the Goddess ~ Update Cobra Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~


Earth Mother by Susanna Monette


Commentary from the Galactic Free Press~ Today during this Powerful Event of the Return of the Goddess Energy, the Earth Allies will Be Gathering Via Live Internet Chat for a Mass Light Meditation. We will Begin at around 3:30pm Pacific. The Actual Meditation will Be at 6:30pm Pacific. This is A Full Particpation Event! Join us In The Highest Combined Light Love on Planet Earth=Heart!!  Lets Make History Today!



Earth Ally Will Harader Speaks about the ~Spiritual Ego~

Lia's picture

~ Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member WILL HARADER~



~Spiritual Ego~

~Very Brilliant Reshare Article for the Current Moments~


Eventually a person has a moment of clarity. In this moment, they see the inherent emptiness of all the things they thought were so important. This causes a person to reevaluate their whole existence and look for a deeper meaning in Life.


This is the beginning of spiritual Awakening, when a person realizes the life they've been assigned by society isn't who they really are and decides to recreate himself to reflect his expanded understandings. At this point there's an enormous pitfall that most do not notice which causes spiritual growth to halt almost as fast as it began. This is spiritual ego, when a person recreates herself but then gets attached to their new "spiritual" identity.


~ Join Us Live for Our Internet Love Party Today~ Beginning at 1:30pm Pacific

Lia's picture




Today's Love Party Energy has Already Begun On the Starships!!!


They have already Began to Pour In Huge Amounts of Joyful Energy to Assist US. We would Love as Many Love Beings with US to assist this Energy for Our Upcoming Huge Energy Event, One of the Most Powerful of this Year Yet! The Venus Transit Of Love!!! YeeHaw~


We are Going to Lift the Planet in a Big Way today!!! Thank You For Your Participation!!



Join us Live at 1:30pm till whenever it ends..LOL....


Join us~ Lets Lift this Planet Into the Light NOW~



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