Collective Evolution

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What You Need To Know About The Connection Between Sugar & Your Mental Health

by Alanna Ketler, Collective Evolution

For most of us, sugar is an essential part of our days. Think about how often you start craving ice cream, chocolate, or candy whenever you find  yourself down or stressed. For myself, despite my understanding that sugar is toxic and therefore doing my best to avoid it, I still crave a sugary treat when I am in these lowered states. We use sugar to soothe, to energize, and to reward ourselves for a job well done, often without even realizing it.

Can you relate?

Disclaimer: The reference to sugar in this article is about added sugars, not sugars that are naturally found in fruits and vegetables. 

So, Why Is This?

A study recently published in Scientific Reports found that there was a greater risk of depression among men whose diets were high in sugar.

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Quantum Theory Predicts That The Future Could Be Influencing The Past (Yes You Read That Correctly)

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

Physicist and Nobel laureate Richard Feynman once said, “We choose to examine a phenomenon which is impossible, absolutely impossible, to explain in any classical way, and which has in it the heart of quantum mechanics. In reality, it contains the only mystery.”

And it’s true. Multiple theories, such as quantum entanglement, have exited the theoretical realm and been confirmed within the mainstream. Even browsing through some previously classified documents in the CIA’s electronic reading room, you can see how Black Budget science confirmed some of these topics decades ago, yet we never heard about it through the mainstream. Here is a prime example of a document on quantum entanglement. From this document we can see that its existence was confirmed decades ago.

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Why We’re Being Systematically Trained To Be Offended By Everything

by Joe Martino, Collective Evolution

We are being systematically conditioned to get offended at everything these days, and there is an important reason why we must become aware of this trend and not fall into the trap.

Think about it: People become enraged every day about things they read online, hear in the news, or witness on social media, about topics ranging from the words people use to gender politics, race, sports teams, diet, perceptions, etc. It’s everywhere! It appears as though everything is offensive and everyone has something to say about it.

I woke up this morning and went into my normal routine of meditating before I start my day. I did what I often do and checked into the collective consciousness to see what’s coming to the surface and being felt by us as a whole. This helps to plan out the type of content we focus on here at CE. This morning I kept feeling the word “offended” coming up over and over again. Then something hit me — I had heard the following statements literally hundreds of times over the past month.

“That’s offensive.”

“What that person said was really offensive.”

“I would never do that because that’s offensive.”

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Evidence Showing The Germans Were Making “Flying Saucers” As Far Back As 1941

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

“A German newspaper recently published an interview with George Klein, famous German engineer and aircraft expert, describing the experimental construction of ‘flying saucers’ carried out by him from 1941 to 1945.” (source)

Exotic technology has been around for a long time, and so have the agencies within the Department of Defense that use it. Just imagine what type of technology the NSA — an intelligence agency whose existence was denied until the mid-1960s — was using in the 1950s. Then there’s the National Reconnaissance Office, which was founded in 1960 but remained completely secret for 30 years. Secret technologies have been wrapped up in the Black Budget and Special Access Programs (SAPs) for years, and many of these SAPS remain unacknowledged by anybody within the government. They’re exempt from standard reporting requirements to Congress.

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For The First Time, Astronomers Have Found A Giant ‘Magnetic Bridge’ Between Galaxies

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

The study of magnetic fields is fascinating, and presents tremendous implications for how we perceive our physical material world. The leading scientists in this field are, as far as I’m concerned, over at the HeartMath Institute, which continues to publish groundbreaking research on how these magnetic fields, which all living things possess, reveal the interconnectedness of all life and impact us in a number of ways. See:

Magnetic Fields Carry Biologically Relevant Information That ‘Connects All Living Systems.’

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Two Toxic Thoughts Many People Think Every Day

by Alanna Ketler, Collective Evolution

Many of us think that we don’t have a morning ritual or that we don’t have time for one, but let me assure you — you do.

In fact, your morning ritual is so ingrained that you probably don’t even realize it’s there. Every day, many of us wake up and tell ourselves, “I didn’t get enough sleep” or “I don’t have enough time.” Or both. Lynne Twist, author of The Soul of Money, says that these thoughts set ourselves up for a scarcity mindset that carries on throughout the day, and we’re establishing it before we even get out of bed in the morning:

For me, and for many of us, our first waking thought of the day is “I didn’t get enough sleep.” The next one is “I don’t have enough time.” Whether true or not, that thought of not enough occurs to us automatically before we even think to question or examine it. We spend most of the hours and the days of our lives hearing, explaining, complaining, or worrying about what we don’t have enough of. Before we even sit up in bed, before our feet touch the floor, we’re already inadequate, already behind, already losing, already lacking something . . . [so] what begins as a simple expression of a hurried life, or even the challenged life, grows into the great justification for an unfulfilled life.

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What Thinking You’re Ugly Does To Your Well-Being (VIDEO)

by Kalee Brown, Collective Evolution

To start, if you’ve ever looked down upon yourself or spoken the words “I’m so ugly” to yourself, you’re not alone. You could be someone who has an immense amount of self love and still have some self doubt occasionally, and that’s perfectly understandable. We live in a society that perpetuates the belief that beauty is only skin deep, and it can be difficult to ignore that message every moment of every day.

However, it’s when you start to believe those thoughts fuelled by hate rather than those focused on self love that it becomes a deeper issue. If you feel like your inner thoughts are filled with more body shaming and negativity than they are with positivity and self love, ask yourself: Why do I feel this way, and when did I start to let my outer appearance determine my self worth?

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(Video) The Secrets Of The Pineal Gland

by Alanna Ketler, Collective Evolution

The pineal gland has drawn greater interest over the past decade or so, as people become increasingly curious about its true purpose, beyond what we might typically learn in Biology 101. Mystery surrounds this part of the brain, but thanks to ancient wisdom and some modern day experiments, we are coming closer to discovering its purpose, and realizing its significance to both our divinity and our origins.

Throughout History

Many ancient religions include symbolic representations of the pineal gland throughout their texts. It’s often represented as a pinecone, as it bears a resemblance to it, hence the name pine-al gland. Below you can see it appear as the Buddh’s hat, and it tops the pope’s staff, along with the Egyptian staff of Osiris. Truly, the symbol of the pinecone can be found across cultures and time periods, specifically in relationship to religious practices. Surely, this must represent something.

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White House Petition To Declare Elitist George Soros A “Terrorist” & Seize His Assets Is Gaining Momentum

by Kalee Brown, Collective Evolution

For decades, George Soros has been funding different sides of conflicts and profiting off of division and separatism. Though his donations may seem heartfelt and sincere to some, if you look a little closer, you’ll find that many of the donations he makes have ulterior motives behind them, helping to secure his control over various political landscapes and in turn profit from them.

Soros has profited off of chaos all over the world, particularly in Europe, but now he’s doing it here in North America. However, his actions have not gone unnoticed. A recent petition launched on August 20, 2017 by “E.B.” on the White House petitions website is asking that the U.S. government declare George Soros a “terrorist” and seize all of his assets. What’s more, the petition is doing extremely well, which speaks to the level of awareness amongst U.S. citizens!

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How Two Young Surfers Are Cleaning Up The Ocean

by Joe Martino, Collective Evolution

It should be clear to us by now, we need to become more mindful about how we treat our environment. I recall as a kid being taught about littering in school and how we all needed to make an effort to stop it. It seemed so prominent back then. I remember going out into the school-yard and cleaning up litter as part of our awareness as to just how much trash is out there.

As I got older I felt that littering became much less of an issue with trash receptacles everywhere and seeing less garbage on the ground. But has it really translated to change? And has it happened everywhere?

Let’s talk about the ocean for a second, as of 2015 it was estimated that there are 5.25 trillion pieces of plastic debris in the ocean. This is broken down into two types. 269,000 tons of plastic floating on the surface of the ocean, and about 4 billion plastic microfibers per square kilometer littering the deep sea.


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