Waking Times

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3 Extraordinary Paradoxes of Personal Awakening

Dylan Charles, Editor
Waking Times

How do you reconcile the utter madness of the world with the overwhelming joy of being alive in it?

“Paradox: a situation, person, or thing that combines contradictory features or qualities.”

Without question we live in interesting times. The deception, insanity and turmoil in our world has no end, yet when we tune in very closely to life’s pulse, we find softness and connection open to us at every step. These contradictory features of the human experience point to the dualistic nature of the universe, but ultimately offer a glimpse of a middle way, the center, where harmony resides in a sea of chaos. A seeming, but natural paradox.

“When people find one thing beautiful,
another consequently becomes ugly.
When one man is held up as good,
another is judged deficient.

Similarly, being and nonbeing balance each other;
difficult and easy define each other;
long and short illustrate each other;
high and low rest upon one another;
voice and song meld into harmony;
what is to come follows upon what has been.”

~Tao Te Ching 2

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The Secret Meaning of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil

Pao L. Chang, Contributor
Waking Times

To find the secret meaning of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, you need to first study how certain parts of a tree function. Furthermore, you need to investigate how certain features of the brain and spine relate to a tree. The tree is an important symbol in many spiritual and religious teachings because it represents the connection between the spiritual realm and material world.

Besides studying the tree, brain and spine, you have to overcome your fear of the Occult so you have enough courage to tumble down the rabbit hole to explore the world of occult knowledge. To find one of the secret meanings of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, you need to use occult knowledge and the art of word magic to decipher the parables and riddles in the Book of Genesis.

Many people like to associate the word occult with evil. This is a big misconception that prevents people from learning important spiritual knowledge. The word occult comes from the Latin word occultus, meaning “hidden, concealed, secret”. Therefore, occult knowledge means “hidden knowledge” or “secret knowledge”. Occult knowledge is like a tool and therefore can be used for good or evil purposes.

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5 Cannabis Research Findings that Should’ve Been on the Front Page

Anna Hunt, Staff Writer
Waking Times

Scientists are continuously discovering new ways that cannabis can benefit human health. Typically, researchers publish these discoveries in peer-reviewed journals. Yet, most cannabis research never makes its way into mainstream news. In the public eye, these studies go unnoticed.

Here are five examples of cannabis research that warrant our attention.

1. Cannabis May be a Potential Alternative to Opioids

Opioids have recently received a fair share of scrutiny, and for a good reason. Thomas Gilson, the medical examiner for Cuyahoga County, Ohio, stated:

“If you look at how many people die in the country from opiate overdose, we’re looking at the same number of casualties as the entire Vietnam conflict.”

Could cannabis be a safer treatment for pain, without the high risk of overdose?

New cannabis research from Israel examined the safety of cannabis use among the elderly. The researchers administered cannabis treatment to 2,736 patients, with a median age of 74.5.

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Leading Consciousness Researcher Bridges the Gap Between Science and Real Magic

Dylan Charles, Editor
Waking Times

Those of us who have experienced true magic in our lives have been wondering when modern science will somehow bridge the gap between science and spirit, and wondering what will happen to the world when these forces finally unite. It’s coming.

Is magic real? Sure it is, which is why there’s such a long and storied history of it in every human civilization, and why so many people practice it everyday, whether they realize it or not.

“Magic is one of the most enduring legends of humanity. It’s at the core of the esoteric traditions, it saturates the literature of religion and science, and while it has been severely suppressed for millennia, fictional stories about magic are just as popular today as they’ve ever been.” [IONS]

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Local Meteorologists Acknowledge Atmospheric Spraying of Aluminum by Military Aircraft

Terence NewtonStaff Writer
Waking Times

Some things are hidden in plain sight, and no matter how many warnings there are, some people just refuse to look at that which contradicts their beliefs about the world.

Take, for example, geoengineering, which, among other things, involves the atmospheric spraying of aluminum, strontium, barium, plastics and other materials into the sky as a means of ostensibly protecting us from the dangers of global warming.

Mainstream media has been reporting on geoengineering quite a bit in recent years, pitching it as a necessary evil to come, never quite fully divulging the years of evidence we’ve collected which shows how governments the world over are already tampering with the earth’s climate.

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A Neurologist Shows Why Fasting is So Good for Your Brain

Anna Hunt, Staff Writer
Waking Times

Fasting creates an energy restriction and puts mild stress on the brain. As a result, it could slow down abnormal degeneration of neurons, common diseases such as Alzheimers and Parkinsons, according to research out of the National Institute on Aging.

Fasting Benefits the Brain by Creating Ketones

Mark Mattson is the current Chief of the Laboratory of Neurosciences at the National Institute on Aging. He is also a professor of Neuroscience at The Johns Hopkins University. He has been studying the effects that intermittent fasting has on the brain, both in animals and humans. His research has revealed that when an animal is fasting, its nerve cell circuits are more active. As a result, they perform better in learning and memory tests.

In his TEDx Talk, Mattson states:

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4 Empath Survival Techniques

Anna Hunt, Staff Writer
Waking Times

Having empathy means our heart goes out to another person in joy or pain. But for empaths it goes much further. We actually feel others’ emotions, energy, and physical symptoms in our own bodies, without the usual defenses that most people have. ~ Dr. Judith Orloff, The Empath’s Survival Guide

Empathy is being able to put yourself in someone else’s shoes. This doesn’t mean that you feel sorry for someone when something bad happens to them. Or that you cry when your favorite character on a TV show suffers a tragic accident. Those are examples of sympathy.

When you’re an empath, you feel what another person is feeling. It feels as though whatever someone else is experiencing, is also happening to you. Be it good, bad or tragic.

As an empath, you get to feel the joy of others and often show unending support during their time of need. An empath is that perfect friend that gets it.

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What's Wrong with Modern Wheat?

Anna Hunt, Staff Writer
Waking Times

Considering the high rate of wheat consumption, one wouldn’t suspect that the wheat industry has created a massive problem. Yet, looking at the facts surrounding this industry and this food source will give you pause.

The documentary What’s With Wheat examines the dynamics that shaped modern wheat and the business around it. It offers insights from many experts in the field who’ve conducted extensive research to help you understand why wheat has become so problematic for many people. The film gives unprecedented details of why wheat may be one of the key reasons behind many health issues.

The Wheat Dilemma

Wheat has transformed dramatically since the inception of modern industrial agriculture. Almost everything about wheat has changed. The way it’s raised, the hybridization, the way it’s processed, and the amount that we’re eating.

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Terraforming Planet Earth and Human Consciousness with Electromagnetic Interference

Buck Rogers, Staff Writer
Waking Times

The rollout of 5G is happening now, in spite of many legitimate concerns about public safety, and in spite of the fact that former FCC Chairman turned corporate lobbyist, Tom Wheeler is more concerned with making money than our health.

According to Wheeler, the rollout of 5G will require an enormous increase in the number of cell towers, all pumping electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) far higher than 4G into our environment.

“To make this work, the 5G buildout is going to be very infrastructure intensive, requiring massive deployment of small cells.” ~Tom Wheeler

Experts and industry leaders will tell you there is nothing to be afraid of, yet similar to the rollout of psychotropic medications, like antidepressants and ADHD meds, these products are simply too new for us to have any understanding of the long-term effects.

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Cannabis May Protect Alcohol Users from Liver Disease, Research Shows

Anna Hunt, Staff Writer
Waking Times

A new study showed that abusive alcohol users who also use cannabis are less likely to develop all types of liver disease.

A group of researchers set out to “determine the effects of cannabis use on the incidence of liver disease in individuals who abuse alcohol.” They wanted to see if the observed anti-inflammatory effects of cannabis also affect the development of liver disease. The research was headed up by Adeyinka Charles Adejumo of North Shore Medical Center in Salem, Massachusetts. Adejumo also works at the University of Massachusetts Medical School.

Research into Alcohol and Liver Disease

During their research, the team analyzed the discharge records from the 2014 Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project – Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS). They focused on patients 18-years and older, who had a past or current history of abusive alcohol use. This amounted to a sample size of over 319,000 patients who abused alcohol.


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