Sheldon Nidle

Sheldon Nidle's GFL updates.

Sheldan Nidle’s Update from the GFL ~There are signs everywhere that a new consciousness is dawning

Lia's picture


Dratzo! We return! We come today to speak about the changes that are required to manifest your new reality. There are signs everywhere that a new consciousness is dawning upon your world. Organizations dedicated to change are learning about each other and about ways to create international social networks to bring about such change. One area among many of these diverse changes is the redefining of the concept of money as a mechanism of exchange; e.g. the rules of micro banking and microcredit in the developing world, and the organic spread of small-scale businesses and ‘village banking’ in these countries. These social and cultural networks provide the trestle, so to speak, that will support all that is to happen at the highest levels of commerce and banking. Long ago, when the Age of Discovery began in the West, those nations most affected by the intrusions of the West’s soldiers, ships, and guns took their symbols of wealth, gold, and silver and hid them away in secret depositories where they have lain for centuries. Meanwhile, the West conquered and plundered. Throughout this time the ancient ruling families knew that this scourge was destined one day to pass away.

~ Update By Sheldon Nidle~ Your world is shifting quietly~

Lia's picture


1 Oc, 18 Kank'in, 9 Eb

Selamat Balik! We come again! Everywhere, your world is shifting quietly toward its divine transformation. Heaven continues to prepare for the sacred moment when a new reality is to be proclaimed, officially. Agartha is also preparing for this moment by reminding its numerous surface operatives to get ready to reveal publicly who they truly are. Our many liaison teams, as well, are preparing to disclose the work they are doing to bring your new reality into existence. We are also working with the many Ascended Masters to bring each of their secret sacred societies into public view. A unique moment is approaching when you will be able to learn how it was that your entire globe was able to switch so quickly into a new mode of local, regional, and national governance. This changeover will be followed swiftly by a series of special official announcements, and soon thereafter by the instigation of several unprecedented social services, helmed by these same sacred society spokespersons. These programs will be your first official glimpse of what is to come. A new reality is to be born which will include formal announcements about first contact and our benevolent presence.

Update Sheldan Nidle - April 16, 2013

MomT's picture


13 Cib, 4 Kank'in, 9 Eb


Selamat Jarin! We return! Let us begin today by reviewing what has transpired so far. As you know, our Earth allies have set up the basis for a new monetary and financial system and the Agarthans have used their diplomatic skills to establish the nucleus of the new governance that is to be run by a coalition under the auspices of your Ascended Masters. The Ascended Masters under the guidance of Quan Yin in the East and Count Saint Germaine in the West have ensured that a new system of banking and monetary policy is emerging. These changes are intrinsic to the sacred decrees which are preparing this world for our mass landing. These divine directives are guiding us as we establish a way to set up the new reality for surface humanity. Freedom is a necessary condition for all that is planned and your realm is on an accelerated path to creating those prerequisites for your return to full consciousness. Our many liaison teams are monitoring everything and meeting every day with those who are to forge your new governance. As of now, these many programs have put all the necessary elements in place.

~ Update by Sheldan Nidle~ The Holy Light~

Lia's picture

Update by Sheldan Nidle


6 Muluk, 17 Mac, 9 Eb
Dratzo! We come again with more to tell you. Your reality is extremely close to its major shift in consciousness. The secret sacred societies of your world have entered into new alliances which are to serve them well once your new style of governance comes into being. We have assurances from several governmental organizations that once Heaven gives the green light the new reality can begin without further delay. We continue to monitor the dark cabal as it is clear that this group remains determined to pursue its willful and destructive course of starting a widespread military conflict. This will not be permitted. We also continue to add names to the detention lists and watch closely those who are the guiding hand behind the ongoing nonsense of keeping your globe burdened with contrived, groundless confrontations. This global modus operandi will shortly become a thing of the past and your ascension path will cease to be interfered with or sidetracked, as it has been in recent years. Your new epoch is inevitable and our formal arrival will shortly be announced. To this end we have drawn up a rapid-action schedule for our arrival so as to be ready at a moment’s notice.

Sheldan Nidle ~April 2, 2013~ A New Epoch

Lia's picture

12 Ik, 10 Mac, 9 Eb

Dratzo! We arrive! Your world is advancing toward the dawn of a new epoch for all of Gaia's surface humanity. The specific good works of Heaven are ushering this positive movement in! We come here to verify this and give you a better knowledge of what is happening. The dark is thoroughly enjoying its last moments of power. Their arrogance is so high that they collectively have decided to ignore the consequences of their final actions. The key target point remains any trumped up situation that can lead to a global conflict. Our Agarthan cousins are at the forefront of our liaisons that are working relentlessly to prevent this from happening. This effort is to be a successful one since the dark does not realize how we can continue to prevent them from achieving their most heinous goal. We comprehend the nature of what the dark is doing and understand the best ways to prevent this from occurring. Besides these serious efforts, we are as well setting up the scenario for how your global governance morphs into the one that we have been describing to you. This is something that now requires your attention.

Sheldan Nidle PAO Webinar: The Agarthans Our Inner Earth Neighbors

MomT's picture


The Agarthans

Welcome to Webinar 37

This is a must-see event...
Sheldan answers your many questions
about the Agarthans

Topics include...
The Agarthans: Origins, Society and Customs
Cities: Crystal and Others
Inner Earth’s Importance to us
Our Agarthan and Galactic Federation Mentors
Metamorphosis Light Chambers: Why are they needed and are they safe?
Agarthans’ galactic society versus our future one
Final overview: Dispelling the negative viewpoints

Sunday, March 24, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT
Thursday, March 28, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT

Update Sheldan Nidle - March 19, 2013

MomT's picture


Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation


11 Lamat, 16 Ceh, 9 Eb

Dratzo! We come again! Your world continues to teeter on the brink of a new realm. The dark's minions are very aware of just how close your reality is to a most significant transformation. We are monitoring several developments that are being staged by the dark ones in an effort to somehow change their looming fate. The Anunnaki's 'children' have ruled your lives with an unchallenged hand for nearly 13 millennia, but this prolonged unpleasantness is now drawing to a close. Until now they have always found a way to escape from serious predicaments and are still hoping for some means of reshaping their current situation. We have news for you dark arrogant ones: "This time, what you have planned is not going to save you. We are monitoring your recent clumsy attempts to stage incidents designed to spark a wide-ranging series of conflicts. This time, dark ones, you will not be allowed to shake up the world. Our sacred allies are now occupying positions that can effectively limit what you are planning. We have also created a network that can intervene against when so required. The time your predestined removal from power is indeed approaching rapidly!"


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