“Flowers For The Equinox.” A Reflection From The Yoga Mat. By, Bella Capozzi. March 16, 2013.

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Cupcakes and Angels Posted on March 16, 2013


✿ How amazing is it…this crazy, intense, incredible energy that’s just pouring down on us from the Heavens?! One second it’s spinning us about on a light-filled, cosmic merry-go-round (is anybody else having trouble staying grounded, lately?), and then all of a sudden it feels as soft as a blanket straight out of the dryer – warm, cozy and soothing as butter.  Such is the buildup to the Spring Equinox on March 20.  I, for one, am really excited to see how everything transpires!

❀ My Team has been bringing me a recurring message, over the past couple of weeks.  This has been coming through during dreamtime travel, in meditation, and during readings with my clients.  And clearly it’s not just me.  Everyone seems to have a story to tell about about how these very powerful – and obvious – downloads of Light are affecting them. We are in the throes of a landmark period of unprecedented growth.  And if you would simply release all preconceived notions of and attachments to the results, you definitely won’t be disappointed.  Search within yourself to find the changes.  Stop waiting for outside sources, such as the mainstream media, to recognize them for you.  Begin cultivating your own telepathic and intuitive gifts, and honestly trust yourself to understand what they are telling you.  Yes, we all have these abilities.  Every, single one of us!

✿Which brings me to a beautiful experience I had during Savasana, at yoga, yesterday.  We had just completed a particularly intense Yoaglates class.  And Jodi A.- one of my favorite yoga teachers, ever – put on some gentle sitar music, which was just the thing to immediately take me out of my physical space and out into the Higher Realms.  Within seconds I was standing in a room with two female members of my Team.  I recall how right and normal it felt to be there.  Like, “where else would I be?“  I stood upon a low pedestal, and I was wearing what appeared to be a bridal or cotillion gown.  Fashionista that I am, I was instantly enchanted.  The fitted gown had a deep, sweetheart neckline (the heart-shape, in itself, symbolic), and a log train that trailed out behind me and dipped off the pedestal.  Most amazing of all was that the dress was constructed entirely of flowers!  Flowers of every color and type, some that I recognized and others that I didn’t.  So pretty. I stood with my arms raised above my head, while my two friends proceeded to pin more flowers onto the dress.

❀ I can still totally remember how I felt while I was in that room, wearing that dress.  Anticipation.  Excitement. Joy.  Recognition about what the dress and it’s accompanying ceremony and rite of passage were all about.  I knew I had been waiting for so long for that moment to arrive, and now it was here.  Hooray!  I remember the feelings of contentment and completion, a sense of relief and abundance.  But what I wasn’t able to retain after I “came back to Earth” were the pesky little details, such as… what kind of ceremony was this going to be, anyway; why a flower-dress;  why were my friends and I so, so very happy; why did I feel such a breathtaking sense of relief?


❁ Personally, I’m resonating with the idea that something huge is going to happen within those of us who set the intention to willingly receive the energy and upgrades this Spring Equinox is offering to us.  Note that I said “within.”  My Team was trying to show me this.  Yes, it is a very big deal, if we so choose to make it one.  We’re being shown that the Universe is showering us with lots of extra fairy-dust on the 20th of March.  So, what do you say, friends?  Are you going to step outside your comfort zone, snap shut your umbrella and let it rain down upon you like a torrential downpour of love?  I know that I am.  What would be even better is if we would all join together, combining our energies and doing something truly spectacular for Gaia and for ourselves.  Let’s get out there and splash in puddles of sparkling Light.  Let go of your old ways of perceiving things and allow yourself be the lighthearted being that God created you to be.  Be optimistic and be happy and wide open to everything that the Universe is choosing to give you. And most of all, be blessed.

Namaste, everyone.

Copyright ©Bella Capozzi.  All rights reserved.  You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.

