“Now You See Me”: A Movie About the Illuminati Entertainment Industry?

Rain's picture


The Vigilant Citizen - 9/26/13


In the back of the card is the symbol of the All-Seeing Eye with invitation information. In this particular shot, the card is hiding one of Merritt McKinney's eyes (played by Woody Harrelson), hinting that he's about to be part of the occult elite's entertainment industry.

On the back of the invitation card is the symbol of the All-Seeing Eye. In this particular shot, the card is held above a photo of one of the magicians and hides one of its eyes – hinting that he’s about to be part of the occult elite’s entertainment industry. The fact that one eye is replaced by the all-seeing eye also implies that he is about to lose a whole lot sight … and freedom.


“Now You See Me” is about big-time magicians doing incredible magic tricks … and some kind of a bank heist. But mostly, “Now You See Me” is about a shady organization named “The Eye” that controls these entertainers. While most viewers are dizzied with the senseless action of the movie, an important message is being communicated: The occult elite controls the entertainment business … Do you see it?

While most viewers will try to make sense of the action in Now You See Me, the movie simply keeps repeating to the viewers “The closer you look, the less you see”. It also constantly repeats that magicians always do something to distract the audience while the real magic happens elsewhere. Does this apply in the movie itself? Of course it does. The police chase, the bank heist plot, the explosions are there to keep the viewers’ eyes occupied while the real underlying story unfolds: It is about the entertainment industry, the forces that rule it and those that are used by it. It is also about the audience, the masses that are being fooled by master illusionists. The first lines of the movie say it all:


“Come in close. Closer. Because the more you think you see, the easier it’ll be to fool you. Because what is seeing? You’re looking, but what you’re really doing is filtering, interpreting, searching for meaning. My job? To take that most of gifts you give me, your attention, and use it against you.”

More: VigilantCitizen.com


