Published on Feb 1, 2013
What I am feeling as I come to the computer from a long meditation is almost beyond words. My awareness is that many souls, even twin flames, are being reunited at this time in the first Aquarian cycle of the first year after 12-21-2012. Yes, it does involve me -- and many more, I am told. Mysteries of separation and creation are being unveiled, allowing many of us to see more clearly and choose how we will relate to one another to co-create heaven on earth, healing the planet and her most enigmatic creature: Man. Male and female, masculine and feminine energies are coming together at this time and in the months immediately ahead of us. It's a beautiful thing to feel and will be an awesome thing to witness as the reunion occurs, changing everything. This is the transformation, or as my mentor, Dr, Bruce L. Morgan, called it, the antiadromea. Not sure how to spell that, and I'm likely saying it wrong. He attributed it to Carl Jung and it meant the reverse flow of energy.
Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~ In 2012 We Announced that 2013 Not Only Meant the Reconnection with the Higher self but with Twin Flames. The New Earth Represents Balanced Harmonics, and this Means that only twin flame relationships will exsist. Love The Earth Allies