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On August 8th, 2012, we enter into the eighth initiatory Gateway of Light through theeighth ray of Transcendence and the Overlighting of Lady Nada, and the Pleiadian Emissaries of the Light.
The eighth ray of Transcendence is a beautiful expansive Seafoam Green and Violet colored Flame, amplified in Light frequencies to assist in the purging, clearing, healing and releasing of old wounds, cellular memories and false beliefsas well asassisting the physical/etheric body to regenerate and heal itself. The energy of the eighth ray is primarily about the breaking up of old, outdated belief systems and structures, to create form through the rebirth of new energies and beliefs and the experience of Divine Love.In so doing, we transcend our dualities through the "sacred flame of transcendence", and in detachment and Self Mastery, come into a deeper experience of One Unity Consciousness.
In this "Blue Moon" month, beginning and ending with Full Moons, we undergo our eighth initiation as The Warden, a Keeper of Justice to Mother Earth and all her Life. It is in this Now moment that we are able to ease the tensions and stresses experienced within our daily lives through the focus on stability, equilibrium, understanding, unconditional Love and infinite expansiveness, increasing our ability to remain steadfast in the Light of Mother/Father God while bringing a focus to the injustices upon this earthplane. It may also be a time when we take on the mantle of new creative projects, discover new gifts or move into a new direction in our Service work.
We are further offered an opportunity to build our multidimensional bodies of Light, to cloak ourselves in our sacred Spiritual Robes of Self Mastery and the Patterns of Perfection from On High as we experience the New Earth Templates of Light through the Photonic Rays of Light and the fifth dimensional frequencies of Divine Love. This allows for the Divine energy of pure Light and Love to ground into our lower bodies so our emotional, mental, etheric, physical and soul bodies can be filled with Divine energy. Additionally, it facilitates a pathway of consciousness that is experienced through the Group I Am Avatar Body of Light and allows all Life on this earth plane to experience the pathway of transcendence through forgiveness and Divine Love.
To this end, we are invited into the Ascension Seat in Delphi, Greece, to ground the new energies of Light and to assist in the healing of ourselves and our relationships in detachment, forgiveness and Divine Love. From here, we are invited into the Temple of Transcendence within the Pleiades constellation.
August 9th starts with the Central Sun Day, experienced through Alcyone. As we lift ourselves into the Temple of Transcendence within the Pleiades Constellation, we experience the Divine Consciousness of One as we actualize the Golden Solar Sun Disc of Light within our hearts, and connect to all the Spiritual Suns in alignment with our Beloved I Am Presence. We further anchor and activate our higher dimensional chakras, to create our fifth dimensional Body of Light through the sacred geometry of the octahedron and the Photonic rays of Light. Additionally, we experience a deeper integration of the geometries of Light within the 144 Crystalline Grid of Divine Love, to be activated on December 21st, 2012. And for advanced Initiates of Light, there is a window of opportunity to enter into the Halls of Amenti.
The New Moon energies on August 17th/18th take us into a deeper alignment of our Service work and the ability to remain steadfast in the Light as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love, truly being able to bring a focus to our co-creations as these Master Beings of Light.
On August the 21st, we anchor the eighth Silver Cosmic Christ Holographic Disc and two minor discs through the spinal column, while focusing on the Light integration within our 13 body chakra system and that of Mother's Earth Light Body through her 13 primarily vortices and chakras.
August 22nd, World Healing Day, offers us the opportunity to take this sacred Seafoam Green and Violet Flame of Transcendence out to all of Humanity, assisting us in reconnecting in new way within our relationships, and allowing all Life on this earth plane to potentially experience the healing rays and Divine Love of Mother/Father God, and the Company of Heaven.
As we end this month with the second Full Moon on August 31st, we have a sense of the new encodings of Light coming in through the New Earth Templates of Light; and a sense of excitement in the knowing that we are indeed changing and shifting into a deeper alignment of Divine Love collectively through the Cosmic Heart of All Creation. The experience of the New Earth energies will start to be tangibly felt as we are propelled into a greater Planetary Light Quotient in the month of September and a deeper sense of interconnectivity, Self mastery and Divine Love as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love. And so it is.
~ Invocation to the Eighth Initiatory Gateway of Light ~
I call upon the Overlighting of Mother/Father God,
the Pleiadians, the Sirians, the Andromedans and the Arcturians, all of the Light,
the Archangels and Angels, the Trinity Lords of Light, Lord Michael, Lord Metatron and Lord Melchizedek,
the Chohans of the Rays: El Morya, Kuthumi, Serapis Bey, Paul the Venetian, Hilarion, Sananda, St. Germain, Lady Nada, Mother Mary, Allah Gobi, Quan Yin and Pallas Athena,
the Mighty Elohim,
the Melchizedek Brotherhood of the Light,
Lord Buddha, Sanat Kumara, Helios and Vesta and Lord Melchior,
the Mahatma, the Cosmic Avatar of Synthesis,
and all other Beings of Light I personally acknowledge,
as I now merge with my Beloved I Am Presence, the Highest Light that I Am within the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God.
I now call forth to Lady Nada and the Pleiadian Emissaries of the Light
to take me in an external Merkaba Vehicle of Light,
into the Ascension Seat within Delphi,
so I may undergo my eighth initiation as The Warden,
so I can cleanse and clear my lower bodies and sub-consciousness mind,
so I may create anew my relationships in Divine Love,
so I may assist in the healing of my physical/etheric body,
so I may assist all Life to experience the radiance of the One Heart of All Creation, through forgiveness and Divine Love.
As I enter into this Ascension Seat,
I am surrounded in this sacred Seafoam Green and Violet Flame of Transcendence.
I now request the return of all Soul fragments and energies that were manipulated through control and power issues,
I now request the purification, clearing and healing of my lower bodies,
I now request the removal of any blockages within my genetic lineage preventing me from loving and harmonious relationships and the full merger with my Beloved I Am Presence.
I now anchor the eighth major Cosmic Christ Holographic Disc and two minor discs along the spinal column.
I gently move my body from side to side and backwards and forwards, facilitating the process of the cerebrospinal fluid and the recalibration of my nervous system, meridians and chakras.
I am now taken in Soul Consciousness into the Ascension Seat within Alcyone.
Greeted and welcomed as an Emissary of Light by the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light,
I now find my Self in an octahedronal shaped Temple of Light.
As these Flames of Transcendence purify and heal my lower bodies,
the sacred geometry of the octahedron is now created around my etheric, emotional and mental bodies.
As I now experience the New Earth Templates of Divine Love,
and the Photonic Rays of Light,
the Golden Solar Sun Dics of Light is actualized within my heart.
I now connect to the Inner Earth Sun, the Sun, the Central Sun and now Great Central Sun,
as I merge with my Beloved I Am Presence,
experiencing my I Am Avatar Body of Light.
I now anchor and activate the higher dimensional chakras of Light through my chakra system,
and create my fifth dimensional Body of Light.
And now, with the Legions upon Legions of Light,
The Light Workers, Star Seeded Ones and all those awakened in heart and mind,
I connect into the Group I Am Avatar Consciousness of Light,
And from here, into the 144 Crystalline Grid of Divine Love.
I now experience a deeper integration of the geometries of Light within this One Unity Consciousness Grid,
And the energetic planetary keycodes of this new Golden Age of Light.
I now assist in wrapping the Earth and all Her Life in this sacred Seafoam Green and Violet Flame of Transcendence,
allowing all Life the potential to experience these healing rays of Light,
and a pathway of Light through forgiveness and Divine Love.
I now find my Self back in my sacred space,
grounding into the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth,
and the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God.
I am now surrounded in this beautiful Seafoam Green and Violet Flame of Transcendence,
and the Golden Flame of Empowerment and One Unity Consciousness,
Overlighting this sacred year of 2012.
I Am courage, justice, integrity, and wisdom,
I Am stability, equilibrium, and unconditional Love,
I Am understanding, unity and infinite expansiveness,
Music by Micheal Hammer
~ The Elders on the Eighth Initiatory Gateway of Light ~
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Welcome, sweet ones, it gives us great pleasure to be with you in this Now, and indeed in this sacred month of August 2012. Sweet ones, you have passed through the Seven Initiatory Gateways of Light, through the first seven months respectively of this year 2012, and indeed with this, the experience of the first Seven Initiations of Light through the first seven rays. The month of July in particular took you in to the sacred Blue Flame of Love and Wisdom, and an initiation into the Order of Melchizedek. This ray focused too on coming into a deeper level of Self-Love and Self-nurturing and Self-appreciation, and finding the balance within yourself, putting yourself first in order to be able to receive at a deeper level of your Beingness, and to move out at a deeper level of your service work.
However, for many Lightworkers, July was indeed an incredibly intense month, not only from an astrological planetary perspective but indeed from a ray perspective; for as you are integrating a deeper level of Divine Love, what is coming up to be cleared and released are the shadow aspects needing to be transmuted and integrated, cleared and Loved to embrace all aspects of yourself. For those Lightworkers still on this emotional rollercoaster ride, know that from the month of August, a greater level of grace and harmony and peace, and indeed Self-Love, will be experienced. In these transitioning times not only are you working with ascension symptoms, not only is Mother Earth herself expanding into a greater level of Light, and are all dimensions, but further to this, changes within the earth-plane are creating what is perceived to be greater levels of stress and tension. So look after yourselves, sweet ones. Find that balance by going back in to the basics of meditation, and exercise and eating well, and creating time for yourselves in your busy schedules and daily lives, for this is how you will find the balance as you grow increasingly sensitive to the energies and vibrations around you and indeed within you too.
Now as you head into the month of August you start to work with the energies of the five higher earthly rays. These five higher earthly rays carry a higher quotient of Source Light, and do not have the dualities that exist within the first seven rays. As such, these five higher rays are not only shifting the consciousness of humanity in to One Unity Consciousness, but indeed the higher attributes of the first seven rays are now being experienced through your first seven bodies, in addition to the five higher earthly rays.
These higher rays, these five higher earthly rays, were re-anchored on to your earth-plane on August 7th, 1972, although the circuitry for these rays to be activated was only completed on January 26th, 1991, and furthermore, the actualization of these five higher hays through Shamballa will take place on December 21st, 2012. At the time of losing these five higher rays, in ancient Egypt, during the reign of Nefertiti and Akhenaton, you experienced a level of moving in to disharmony, chaos and war. And these rays, by the grace of God, were returned, as we mentioned, on August 7th, 1972. This occurred, sweet ones, during an experiment when your Sun was due to expand into a helium sun from a hydrogen sun, and through this natural event would engulf the Earth in flames. To protect the earth and all her Life, the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light placed each atom and molecule on your earth-plane within a holographic bubble, within a holographic earth, and within a holographic replica of the Universe. These holographic images were created through impulsing the original Divine eight-cell blueprint, and indeed too the star-tetrahedronal shape, thereby allowing the Sirians to alter human consciousness. This Divine unprecedented cosmic event took away the freewill of humanity for a period of just over two years, and in so doing speeded up the forward evolution of humanity through the impulsing of your Highest Potential; and through this amplification of Light, the five higher earthly rays were firmly re-anchored on your earth-plane.
It is at this point too, sweet beings of Light that you are ready to work with Jacobs's Ladder and all twelve earthly rays, as they are superimposed over this expanded Tree of Life. Climbing Jacob's Ladder is a process of overlaying a second Tree of Life on to the existing one, or rather moving the second Tree of Life one step upward from the previous one, and in this energy-system we work with Jacob's Ladder to have a deeper understanding of these five higher earthly rays.
The Eighth Ray of Transcendence is represented by the overlay of Geburah over Binah -Strength over Understanding. Working with the Divine Will of Father God, represented by Geburah, takes you in to Binah Consciousness, which represents the Divine Love of Mother God, and the Divine Consciousness of One through Stability, the ability to remain steadfast in the Light of Mother/Father God. Geburah - Strength - in the Tree of Life - represents the Warrior of the Heart, and the magical image of a mighty warrior on his chariot; and you, sweet ones, have become these warriors of the heart through dynamic right action; described as the Lord of Severity, Geburah is the knight in shining armour who has chosen to bring about world peace and universal abundance to all humanity, and you bring with you courage, justice, integrity and wisdom, through the attributes of Geburah. Working with Geburah further brings about Unity through Divine Intelligence, which is often diametrically opposed to more conventional teachings and understandings, and may be fiery in nature through the planetary influences of Mars upon Geburah. However, this breaking down of old structures and systems, which makes way for the seventh Golden Age, brings about a new understanding of One Unity Consciousness and through this unity and dynamic right action, Geburah unites with Binah, with compassion, wisdom, and Light.
Additionally, sweet ones, for those advanced Initiates of Light there is an opportunity to experience these temples of the higher rays through the Halls of Amenti. The Halls of Amenti were built by the 32 Children of Light after the original Fall from Grace, with the assistance of the Arcturian Emissaries of the Light. This curved time/space found near the center of your hollow earth beneath the Bermuda Triangle was furthermore the location of Atlantis. These Children of Light warped space, and as they bound it to Earth, formed the Halls of Amenti. It was further divided into nine smaller spaces and within each exists a cosmic consciousness directly related to the nine dimensional levels available to humanity. This allows you to build these multi-dimensional bodies of Light as you now start to move dimensionally in a vertical alignment of Light.
Let us set our sacred space, sweet ones, and take you on this journey of the Eighth Initiation as The Warden, the Keeper of Justice, through this beautiful Seafoam Green and Violet Flame of Transcendence. Where ever you are in your sacred space now, breathe deep into the body, expanding the lower abdomen as you breathe in, contracting the lower abdomen as you breathe out.
Ground now into the crystal heart of Mother Earth, into the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God, merging now with your beloved I AM Presence, and all the Beings of Light from On High that you personally acknowledge, as you surround yourself now in this beautiful Seafoam Green and Violet colored Flame of Light, through the Eighth Ray of Transcendence, in this Eighth Initiatory Gateway of Light; bringing in now the Golden Flame of One Unity Consciousness and Empowerment, the ray Overlighting this sacred year of 2012.
Feel this alignment in Light dimensionally now, sweet ones, as you bring a focus to the creation initially now of what we call your Planetary Body of Light. This Planetary Body of Light extends around you approximately 6 feet in diameter, in a beautiful golden sphere of Light. As you bring in this Planetary Body of Light, have a sense of connecting now through the Unity Grid of Divine Love, of connecting to the lightworkers and star seeded ones, and all the Beings of Light from on High.
And now as you take on the planetary key codes of Divine Love and One Unity Consciousness, through the Group I AM Avatar Body of Light, these New Earth Templates of Light, you find yourself in Delphi, Greece, in this Ascension Seat, one of several vortices of Light carrying the energy of this Eighth ray of Transcendence. As you enter into this Ascension Seat you have a sense initially of all the Divine Feminine Beings of Light. For this ray in its essence brings through a beautiful healing energy of Light, assisting you in clearing your lower bodies, your emotional, mental, etheric/ physical bodies, assisting you in shifting your relationships into Divine Love, assisting you in clearing genetic karmic patternings or conditionings, any blockages that are preventing you from the knowing of yourselves as sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love.
These Divine Feminine Archetypes of Light are led by Lady Nada, who comes forward as the Chohan to this ray. Behind her are many of the Divine Feminine Beings of Light you are familiar with - Mother Mary, Lady Portia, Lady Quan Yin, Pallas Athena. As your heart expands into a deeper level of Divine Love, the Eighth Ray of Transcendence is activated in particular through the solar plexus chakra, shifting your relationships and your dynamics with those around you through forgiveness and Divine Love.
If the images of particular people come to mind, just place them in a rose of any color of your choosing, outside your energy field, letting them know "I Love you, and I forgive you, as I Love and forgive myself - I Love you, and I forgive you, as I Love and forgive myself". If you are working with any karmic contracts, see these old contracts that state "I choose to experience my lessons in pain, in shame, in guilt, in poverty consciousness, in anger" - whatever these lessons are or have been in the patternings and conditionings of the old earth energies and structures. You now take a big red rubber stamp with the word CANCELLED and you cancel these contracts, sign it, cancel it. You tear it up now, and burn it in this sacred Seafoam Green and Violet Flame of Transcendence as you take on these New Earth Templates of Divine Love. This energy of healing moves through your body at a cellular level, assisting you in transcending your dualities - shifting past these dualities.
Have a sense of shifting into the emanations of Geburah and Binah, having passed along the path of Chesed "Mercy" - the path of Love and Beauty. Fill each atom and molecule in your body with courage and justice, integrity and wisdom, understanding, Divine Love and equilibrium. As you see a second circle now brought in by the Divine Masculine Archetypes of Light. You have the courage and strength as this warrior of Light to cut these old cords and connections, and to truly bring a focus to your service work, sweet ones, as these transfiguring flames of Divine Love and Master Beings of Light. Wonderful. Have a sense of passing through these Christed timelines, retrieving soul fragments, and coming now into a deeper level of balancing and loving and harmonious relationships in your Life as your merge once again with your beloved I AM Presence.
And now sweet ones, you anchor the eighth Cosmic Christ Holographic Disc and two minor discs along the spinal column. These Cosmic Christ Holographic Discs, 13 major and 20 minor, are directly connected to the 33 Cosmic Portals of Light that will be activated on December 21st, 2012. Each Cosmic Christ Holographic Disc takes you into the Christed Timelines of Light - each Cosmic Christ Holographic Disc assists you to bend and shape your reality into One Unity Consciousness - allowing you to travel along the timelines going forwards and backwards at will, from a multi-dimensional perspective. For time itself is not linear, but is slowed down to an illusionary sense of time. All timelines exist simultaneously - not only that of what you perceive to be the future, but that of this present Now, and that of your past. Additionally they are Portals of Light that assist in taking you into these timelines, and this is part of what will be experienced through these 33 Stargate Portals of Light. For now, you are recalibrating through your body and energy field, as Mother Earth recalibrates too, through her 13 major chakras and vortices and welding the essence of your Beingness in this Now as this sacred transfiguring Flame of Divine Love.
As you are lifted in Soul consciousness now into the Ascension Seat within Alcyone you are greeted and welcomed in this magical Crystalline Temple of Divine Love by the Pleiadian Emissaries of the Light. As you take on these crystal frequencies, some familiar to you and others not, the DNA is activated to the maximum Cosmic Law will allow. As you look now through your Master eyes at all of Life around you in your ability to heal and Love yourself, and your ability to heal and Love others, in your ability to truly be of Service in Love, you find yourself in an octahedronal shaped Temple of Light, greeted and welcomed as an Emissary of Light.
Connect once more through the Golden Solar Sun Disc of Light within your hearts, as this is activated now to a deeper level to create this actualisation of Divine Love within all areas of your Life. Connect to the Golden Solar Sun Discs of Light within this Unity Grid of Divine Love. Connect to the Inner Sun within the Earth, to your sun, Central Sun, and Great Central Sun, as you visualise now this vortex of Light, this spiralling vortex of Light surrounding your body and energy field, activating all the chakras to the maximum Cosmic Law will allow, as you download now the higher chakras of Light, with all these Beings of Light from On High around you, assisting you. You find yourself in a Healing Temple of Light, in this Healing Chamber of Light, in this sacred Flame of Transcendence, truly now being able to purify, to heal, release and transcend to a greater level of Light. You are being offered a Template of Light in the form of a scroll of Light that will assist you to personally deepen your service work - you take this scroll of Light through the third eye, through the heart and through the sacral chakra, and now through the solar plexus chakra, the base chakra, now the throat chakra and crown chakra, imbuing yourself in this essence of Divine Love, through this scroll of Light that now triggers all the dormant DNA Encodings of Light related to your service work. Lady Nada further comes forward within this sacred Healing Temple within this Ascension Seat within Alcyone, offering you a gift personal to yourself which you place in the solar plexus chakra. This is a gift of Love, that will assist you with any personal issues that you are working with at this moment and are needing assistance with - you are being given these tools energetically in this Now to take you into a deeper level of Love and forgiveness.
And now, sweet ones, you find yourself back in this Octahedronal Temple of Light as you bring in this octahedronal shape around your bodies, around your etheric, emotional and mental bodies, three octahedronal shapes of Light superimposed over your lower bodies. The shape of the octahedron was the first shape used as Mother/Father God moved in to the extension of their Selves in the creation of this multi-universe. This shape, used in ancient Egypt by Initiates of Light to take themselves into a deeper level of multi-dimensionality, to move into a deeper level of the group I AM Avatar Consciousness of Light. As you have a sense of connecting these pyramidal shaped structures, with yourself seated comfortably in the middle, you have a sense of these shapes vibrating and gently moving within a beautiful silver sphere of Light. The emotional body octahedronal shape starts to gently rotate in a clockwise direction and the mental body octahedronal shape in a counter-clockwise direction. The etheric body octahedronal shape does not rotate, but grounds you in to a deeper level of Divine Light. As you create your multi-dimensional bodies, as you cloak yourselves now in this beautiful silver cloak of self-mastery, you see around you many sacred Beings of Light, from your Beloved I AM Presence and your multi-dimensional selves, through this monadic focus of Divine Love. Each one of these magical Beings of Light that is you at a Higher Light level, needing to be integrated to this Higher Light level, is given this beautiful silver cloak of Light, this spiritual body of Light, that will take you into this fifth dimensional frequency of Divine Love. Have simply this sense of this knowing of yourselves, sweet ones, as these sacred Master Beings of Light, as these Initiates of Light and Transfiguring Flames of Divine Love, as you now take this beautiful Seafoam Green and Violet colored Flame of Light around this earth plane, around Mother Earth's lower bodies, assisting all Life to experience this healing, purifying, cleansing, transfiguring Flame of Transcendence in this Now moment. Wonderful.
When you are ready, sweet ones, gently come back to your sacred space, grounding into the energy of Mother Earth, into her Body of Light, into her crystalline heart of Divine Love, keeping this connection open, for the sacred healing and purification of all Life on this earth plane. We truly thank you for your service work, and we bless you, as we wish you a most magical day.
Transcribed by Eadie Miller
One and a half hour tele/webinar conference session with Anrita Melchizedek
$33 (Approximately €25.00/£21.50/R250)
The Eighth Initiatory Gateway of Light ~ The Warden
Saturday August 18th - 7pm GMT/UTC, 12pm PDT, 3pm EDT
London/Lisbon 8pm, Johannesburg 9pm, LA 12pm, New York 3pm, Sydney 5am (August 19th)
Brought to you by The Melchizedek and Pleiadian Light Network
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