Phil Rowen's picture


Published on Nov 8, 2012 by paradoxman316

I went to bed and woke up with that vision. That vision, that hope has not changed for me throughout my life. Often times I did not now how we could do it. I've leaned this way and that; but the vision, the conviction that that is my life purpose, has remained resolute. I exist to do my very best to fulfill that passion, to see that dream come true. Whether it's your dream or not, I wish it was and believe it is at the heart of everyone's being. I know not everyone is conscious of it, since most humans are so caught up in the next drama that we do not explore our own depths, which keeps us from reaching our own heights. Like modern medicine, we treat the symptoms, wanting the pain to stop; however, the symptoms are not the problem, not the cause. There is no magic pill. It's a personal journey to wholeness that everyone must take in order to co-create a world that works for everyone.