We finally have a bit of stationary energies until the next solar flares come in. I have seen several spiritual leaders who themselves have been making fame and fortune off the awakening of humanity and/or 2012 saying they are ready for the 2012 hoopla to be over with. It shows they are not feeling the energy intensity that those of us who have shifted our focus inside and to our hearts, going through our activation process of our chakras and DNA are feeling. I have to say that many of these persons have hit levels that are limiting themselves keeping them from going through their "activation" as they were focused on their fame/fortunes. The energies and LIGHT are definately real, but will only be felt and used by those who are focused on that by truly being in their heart space. Everyone will soon shift to their heart and we need these leaders to also do this, so they can teach others. THAT is what 2012 is all about, the shift from head to heart, from 3-4D to 5D and Higher. The perpetual BLISS from an activated Heart Chakra IS the real Divine Treasure, and there is NOTHING GREATER in this realm. It is THAT that shifts one's consciousness to the highest realms. THAT IS the Ascension! LOVE!