12~12~12 Open Stargate

glr_Andrea's picture


Pubblicato in data 12/dic/2012 da GalacticCentral

Also, another Major Event has occurred, The dormant Broadcast system has come back on line.This Broadcast System has not been on line for over 26,000 Years. December 3rd, during the Giza Pyramid alignment, this Also Ignited All other Pyramids around the Planet this also occurred simultaneously with a Light Victory with the severing of the main food supply for the denser energies. This Broadcast System is connected to MotherEarth and All of Humanity. This is the Broadcast System which returns Mother Earth=Heart and all on her, to Her Perfected Balanced Harmonics and has Been Re~Activated on the surface of this Planet thanks to the Pyramids. Beginning from the 12th onward this will be broadcasting the announcments by Sending Light Information, A Divine Message Via Telepathy. Real Telepathy is through Your Feelings. Many will feel this as an Electrifying, Elated Experience which will be continuing in intensity as we journey for 9 days towards the Galactic Alignment.

read the Full Message:http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/galactic-free-press-update-...