13:20 Calendar, (03.18.12): Violet Presence Aiding the Birth with the Wind

hollyirenecardoza's picture

13:20 Calendar, (03.18.12): Violet Presence Aiding the Birth with the Wind

Image from http://sourcevibrations.com/blog/page/4

“Come On, Y’all! Raise the Vibration!”

Earthstar Peace Calendar:
♥ 11:11 (Word of Love)~
Day: Sun Day/Manitou Day, Violet Crown Star, Essence of Freedom
HOLY AMETHYST, Awakens One to Cosmic Community, Gifts Violet Presence, Teaches that Vibration is the Key to Dimensionality
Period: MAITREYA, Steadies Evolution Through Grace and Strength. Teaches that Compassion is the Power for Sacred Balance, and to Pray, Heal, Give the Touch of Healing, and Be the example of Purity. Orders, “All peoples must be fed, clothed and sheltered.”
Moon: HOGAN IYOTAN TANKA OYATE The Whale People, Heals Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual Imbalances in the UNIVERSAL LAW OF MOVEMENT AND BALANCE, “Karma greets at third gate; clearing and forgiving before Judgment’s Council and Throne” 3rd Dimension, Blue, with SHAKINAH Invokes Spirit of Healing.
Season: TATANKA Buffalo, North, Door of the Heart, with HUPAHU LUTA OMAKA Ladybug, Rays Healing Energy, Opens Healing Portals, Invokes Spirit of Healing in the SPIRITUAL LAW OF HEALING
Code for the Day: http://bit.ly/yrIxXw 
Star Altar of Creator: http://bit.ly/AkhgQ0 andhttp://bit.ly/x3OeT8
Code for the Period: http://bit.ly/xMPKhQ
Code for Moon: http://tinyurl.com/85p989s andhttp://bit.ly/xptVUN
Code for Season: http://bit.ly/zoBNWFrs.net, andhttp://bit.ly/yOxg9H
★ 12:12 (Word of Alignment)~
CEREMONY OF RENEWAL in the UNIVERSAL LAW OF SYMMETRY, Universal Alignment and Cosmic Gates
Manifest Realm: SUNKA WAKAN OYATE Dog Star-Nation Sirius with SUNKA WAKAN IHAPI Laughing Horse, ISTA TO Blue Eye, and IKTOMI TO, Blue Spider
Code for Earth Ceremony: http://bit.ly/w6TUra
Code for Stargate: http://tinyurl.com/7keezd6
☮13:13 (Word of Peace): REH, SPIRITUAL WAY OF RENEWAL, DNA Consciousness and Awareness with NAPE OYATE, SERAPHIM: Glory of God, and AUM, Creator’s Song
Code for Star Activation: http://bit.ly/zAO3Z9
www.star-knowledge.netwww.starelders.net, andhttp://bit.ly/yOxg9H

Dreamspell: Kin 189, GALACTIC ACTIVATION PORTAL DAY, RED RESONANT MOON, Purifies Universal Water, Dragon-Guided (Birth), Solar 12, Alpha

Tzolkin: IK', Wind, North, Airy, Breath of Spirit, Breath of Life, Power of Communication, Dissemention of Positive Thoughts and Ideas, Tone 12

Day Until Sunset: MAZATL, Deer, Our Agility, Instinct, Intuition, Perception & Sensibility, Fauna; Activated by the Sun & a Messenger of Love & Peace from the Grandfathers, Companion of TLALOK, The Drink of The Earth, The Water from on High in All It's Manifestations, Fertilizes & Produces Sustenance, TLALOK belongs to KETZALKOATL, Uniting two Lige-Generating actions--Heat & Water
Day After Sunset: TOCHTLI, Rabbit, Our Multiplicity and Taste Perception; Fertility of the Earth and All Living Beings by the Lunar Influence, Companion of MAYAUAL, Lives in the Maguey/Aloe, Protector, Proportions Home, Dress, and Sustenance, Heart of Honey, Abundance in All Things
Period: ATLAKAUALO, What is Left Behind After the Waters have Left
Year: TEKPATL, Flint, Our Tongue, Word, Profound, Pointed & Sharp, Profound Method of Study & Analysis to Produce Enduring Concepts, Companion with CHALCHIUTOTOLIN Jade Turkey, Force of Action, Vanity of Humans, Teaches to Sacrifice the Eyes & Ego to Be a Torch of Light--not Smoke and to Be a Mirror for Others by Seeing with Your Heart
www.aztekayolokalli.com, Mazatzin Aztekayolokallihttp://on.fb.me/A3Rd10, & kozkakuautli@gmail.com