13:20 Calendar, (04.18.12): ‘Round & ‘Round She Goes! Wheeee!

hollyirenecardoza's picture

13:20 Calendar, (04.18.12): ‘Round & ‘Round She Goes! Wheeee!

Art: “Yellow Swirl Dance” by Exper G.R.

“Come On, People! Raise the Vibration!”

Earthstar Peace Calendar:
♥ 11:11 (Word of Love)~Mercury-Hummingbird Day, Orange Sacral Star, Essence of Light
KAHOMNIYA WICAHPI WINYAN, Whirling Rainbow Star Woman, The Crystal Mirror of Self
Period: Period: ISTA TO Blue Eye, Sets Eyes on Creator
Moon: WAMBDI HANHEPI WI Eagle, “Vision Quest to Balance Future and Guide Time to Inner Quest and Life’s Goal.” 4th Dimension, Green with TATE The Wind, Opens Inner Eye
Season: WAMBDI Eagle, East, Door of the Mind, Season of Perception with TATE OMAKA The Wind in the UNIVERSAL OF PERCEPTION
Stargate: RENEWAL in the UNIVERSAL LAW OF SYMMETRY with WAMBDI WICASA Eagle Man Helps One Lift from Material to Spiritual Mind, MASTERS OF EGYPT Star Beings from Orion Grounds Divine Presence, ISTA TO Ascended One from Sirius, Sets Eyes on Creator
Code for the Day: hhttp://bit.ly/xOYA2L 
Code for the Period: http://bit.ly/GzRiek
Code for Moon: http://bit.ly/H0o7oy and http://bit.ly/H3ouv7
Code for Season: http://bit.ly/H3ouv7
Code for Stargate: http://bit.ly/GzRiek
★ 12:12 (Word of Alignment)~ CEREMONY OF AWAKENING, SPIRITUAL WEB OF THE UNIVERSES Manifest Realm: Elohi, LYRA with UNCI KEYA Keya Grandmother Turtle, CEKPA OILELE WINYAN Twin Flames, and IKTOMI ODOWAN Singing Spider
Code for Earth Ceremony: http://bit.ly/GzMBHY
☮13:13 (Word of Peace): ANIL, SPIRITUAL WAY OF ZERO & TIME CREATION, 4th Dimension, Yang: HonShaZeShoNen Plane of Time with WATER STRIDER, GRANDFATHERS (TIME LORDS), and GALACTIC LIGHT 
Code for Star Activation: http://tiny.cc/gapycw
www.star-knowledge.netwww.starelders.net, andhttp://bit.ly/yOxg9H

Dreamspell: Kin 220, YELLOW CRYSTAL SUN, Enlightens Universal Fire, Human-Guided (Free Will), Planetary 15, Dali

Tzolkin: BEN Reed/Cane/Staff, East, Spiritual Essence and Guiding Light of Family and Home, Wields Great Authority and Respect, Tone 4

Day Until Sunset: OLLIN, Movement, Our Lips, Movement of Our Heart, Essence of Life & Existence, Related to Activity, Creativity, & Constant Movements of the Universe, Companion with KETZALKOATL XOLOTL, Complement & Twin, Venus as the Evening Star, Helps Measure Movements in the Cosmos & Brings Balance
Day After Sunset: TEKPATL, Flint, Our Tongue, Word, Profound, Pointed & Sharp, Profound Method of Study & Analysis to Produce Enduring Concepts, Companion with CHALCHIUTOTOLIN Jade Turkey, Force of Action, Vanity of Humans, Teaches to Sacrifice the Eyes & Ego to Be a Torch of Light--not Smoke and to Be a Mirror for Others by Seeing with Your Heart
Period: TLAKAXIPEUALIZTLI A Shedding of the Old That Is Realized in the People and Nature
Year: TEKPATL, Flint, Our Tongue, Word, Profound, Pointed & Sharp, Profound Method of Study & Analysis to Produce Enduring Concepts, Companion with CHALCHIUTOTOLIN Jade Turkey, Force of Action, Vanity of Humans, Teaches to Sacrifice the Eyes & Ego to Be a Torch of Light--not Smoke and to Be a Mirror for Others by Seeing with Your Heart
www.aztekayolokalli.com, Mazatzin Aztekayolokallihttp://on.fb.me/A3Rd10, & kozkakuautli@gmail.com