Earthstar Peace Calendar: TAHCA SAN CIKALA Little White Deer, The Power to Be, in the UNIVERSAL LAW OF NATURE, with UNCI HANHEPI WI The Grandmothers/UNIVERSAL OCEAN OF REALITY, Manifest Realm: Essence, Ursa Major with MATO MANI, Walking Bear, MATO WICHAPI TANKA, Big Star Bear, and UNCI IKTOMI WICAHPI, Grandmother Star Spider/AK, Universal Law of Breath, Infinity, with TATE The Wind, EL MORYA, UNIVERSAL EYE, and MATO WAKAN WICAHPI OYATE Sacred Bear Star Nation
Dreamspell: Kin 89, RED SPECTRAL MOON, Purifies Universal Water, Self-Guided (Universal Water), Overtone 24, Gamma
Tzolkin: IMIX, Alligator/Crocodile, East, Radiant, Initiator of New Ideas or New Projects, Tone 2
Tonalmatl: MALINALLI, Herb, Our Umbilical Cord and the Constant Regeneration of Nature, All the Green Plants--All Medicinal if Utilized Wisely, Companion to PATEKATL, the One that Cures with Plants/KECHOLLI, Arrival of The Birds with Beautiful Feathers, Time of MIXKOATL, the Hunter/AKATL, Reed
Hey! Does that Crocodile in the Water Have Something GREEN in Its Mouth? Well, Light It UP, and Puff, Puff, Pass, Buddy!!!
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