Earthstar Peace Calendar: HEHAKA WICASA Elk Man, Direct and To The Point, Teacher of Love and Guardian of Earth, Spiritual Protector, Teaches Love of Service, with UNCI HANHEPI WI The Grandmothers/AK, Universal Law of Breath, Infinity, with TATE The Wind, EL MOYRA, and UNIVERSAL EYE, MATO WAKAN WICAHPI OYATE Sacred Bear Star Nation/VEH, Spiritual Way of Consciousness, Plane of God Attunement, Orion
Dreamspell: Kin 83, BLUE OVERTONE NIGHT, (Monkey-Guided), Dreams Abundance, Overtone 18, Kali
Tzolkin: MEN, Eagle, West, Intermediary between Heaven and Earth, Soaring, Brings Hope and Faith on the Wings of the Spirit, Freedom-Lover, Keen Sense of Detail & Technical Orientation, Tone 9
Tonalmatl: MIKIZTLIL, Skull, Our Silence and Transformation, Re-evaluation of Life & Death and of Things Done & Left Undone, No Hesitation, Companion of MEZTLI TEKZIZTEKATL, The Moon, Carries the Conch Shell, Lunar Influence on Tides & Human Psyche, Represents Evolution & Growing Cosmic Consciousness/KECHOLLI, Arrival of The Birds with Beautiful Feathers, Time of MIXKOATL, the Hunter/AKATL, Reed
In the Hush of the Night, Spirit is Still There.
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