Earthstar Peace Calendar: Saturn-Owl Day, Green Heart Star, Essence of Unity/ONE EYE and LIGHTNING MAIDEN, Delivers The Star Altar of the Heart of Creator, Elohim, Rainbow of Nature Spirits with ARCHANGEL MICHAEL, Strengthens Through Divine Law, in the SPIRITUAL LAW OF STRENGTH, HEALTH AND HAPPINESS/UNIVERSAL OCEAN OF REALITY, Manifest Realm: Essence, Ursa Major with MATO MANI, Walking Bear, MATO WICHAPI TANKA, Big Star Bear, and UNCI IKTOMI WICAHPI, Grandmother Star Spider/SHIR, SPIRITUAL WAY OF LIGHTFORCE, Regency Council of 12, with WAZI (Lightning) and PHOTON CONFEDERACY
Dreamspell: Kin 98, WHITE RESONANT MIRROR, Reflects Endlessness, Dog-Guided (Heart), Rhythmic 5, Alpha
Tzolkin: OC, Dog, North, Fearless, Collaboration, Team-Spirit, Sensual, Steadfast Fidelity, Reliability & Bravery, Tone 11
Tonalmatl: ZIPAKTLI, Crocodile, Beginning of Evolution of All Living Things, Initiator, Number 1, Companion with XOCHIPILLI as TONAKATEKUTLI, TONAKAZIUATL, Photosynthesis, the Male & Female Rays of the Sun Through Plants to Give Us Life/PANKETZALIZTLI, Raising of the Precious Standards, UITZILOPOCHTLI, the Will,/Xiuitl AKATL, Reed
It’s a “New Day!” Humanity Sees with Its Heart, and the Reflection is UNITY…
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