13:20: Multiplying Resonance of Red Between Earth & Moon; Schumann Resonance UP

hollyirenecardoza's picture

Earthstar Peace Calendar: HINHAN UNCI Grandmother Owl, Guardian of the Moon, Awakens Inner Wisdom and Remembrance, Speaks of Our Circle of Light & Mystery, with UNCI HANHEPI WI The Grandmothers/AK, Universal Law of Breath, Infinity, with TATE The Wind, EL MOYRA, and UNIVERSAL EYE, MATO WAKAN WICAHPI OYATE Sacred Bear Star Nation/VEH, Spiritual Way of Consciousness, Plane of God Attunement, Orion 

Dreamspell: Kin 85, GALACTIC ACTIVATION PORTAL DAY, RED RESONANT SERPENT, (Earth-Guided), Survives Life Force, Overtone 20, Limi

Tzolkin: CABAN, Earth, East, Synchronous Connection to the Earth's Natural Cycles, Introspective, Powerful Creativity, Insight into Ancient Wisdom, Tone 11

Tonalmatl: TOCHTLI, Rabbit, Our Multiplicity and Taste Perception; Fertility of the Earth and All Living Beings by the Lunar Influence, Companion of MAYAUAL, Lives in the Maguey/Aloe, Protector, Proportions Home, Dress, and Sustenance, Heart of Honey, Abundance in All Things/KECHOLLI, Arrival of The Birds with Beautiful Feathers, Time of MIXKOATL, the Hunter/AKATL, Reed

Multiplying Resonance of Red Between the Earth and the Moon

~ WOW ~

That's the Schumann Resonance, (Mother Earth's Heartbeat) in the Ionosphere.....and it is, indeed, INCREASING! 

Wakey, Wakey "Time!"...
