Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~ Again Bill Brings Up Oppt. We have DOne the research and in fact this has been out there for the past 10 years but since the december 21st event Lightworkers Have Jumped On this As this is their Savior. What OPPT SUggests will put others in jail and so we cannot support that. We cannot bring3d into 5d its impossible. Be Present, Be Love, Trust Love and Know all is Going to Be Ok, The SOlution to All problems on this Planet right now is Humanity Awakening this should be the focus! Love The Earth Allies
Published on Feb 20, 2013
There is a whole massive wave of persons waking up. Yesterday brought several dozen messages both from those who do not accept they create their reality by their thought, emotion, perception and intent. There is another wave of intellectuals who cannot realize the invisible realm of beings and energies. Whew... The chaos of the messages and energies attached to them that I received yesterday was beyond. In a way that is GREAT, as it means that a mass of the collective of humanity is now waking up. In another way, as an open spiritual and energetic being who feels the energies, I want to simply shut it all down. By answering questions to persons who dont have realizations, I feel that they can not comprehend that I would have to say and my responses would be a tar baby scenario where I would be trying to help another "get it" when they have not done their own work realizing the truth of what is going on on all the various dimensions at play currently... I LOVE YOU ALL, but peeps... WE EACH MUST DO OUR OWN PROCESS OF UNDERSTANDING AN INNER LIGHT IN MENT aka Enlightenment.
Lisa M Harrison's newest on OPPT ~ A MUST LISTEN TO
American Kabuki ~ OPPT Filings
Sheldon Nidle
Removing the Shakles
The Economic Collapse ~ Money
Ron Van Dyke ~ the Court System
Francis Copolla ~ The New Economic Paradigm
Bulgarian Government resigns after protests
Sandra Walters ~ We ARE Source Expressing Itself
"What OPPT SUggests will put others in jail and so we cannot support that."
Is that the only reason you do not support OPPT? I'm just curious on The Press's views on OPPT... maybe an article on the subject?
Thank You for everything you do!
We don't feel that the High
We don't feel that the High Realms and our current legal system are compatible, and it's futile to try to mix them together. To shift into 5D Consciousness, the old paradigm needs to be let go of entirely. Much of the OPPT stuff is the same information that has been shared by Lightworkers for years, but now mixed with US commerce law and UCC filings. It's an exciting distraction for people, but we don't believe the world's courts or governments recognize the OPPT at all and we don't suggest anybody try to argue what they spread in court. Their legal reasoning is very similar to what was created in the Redeption Movement, and many people went to jail over that.
If you look at the OPPT's website, it's all centered around UCC filings. That's trying to fight the current system from within the system. That's not going to work very well, as the people who control the current system don't even play by their own rules.
We're probably not going to write an article on how we feel about the OPPT, that may just create more conflict. We've already been confronted by a few people who are very fanatical about the OPPT and have gotten very hostile when their beliefs were questioned. I'm not sure we want to attract that energy to this site.
Thank you, Will = ) Joy~*
Thank you, Will = )