2-4-13 Bill Ballard ~ Electromagnetics of Our Solar System in Relation to Ascension

Lia's picture

Since 12/21/12 there have been many scientific reports out stating very different concepts and understandings of what is going on with our Sun, the Planets, Mother Earth and Our Collective Ascension. I have my own "theories" as we watch this all happen. NASA recently states that Saturn is slowing in it's rotation. I have stated in a previous video I feel that Earth doing that and reversing direction is what the meaning of "The End Time" is all about. Even today there is a new report out saying our Sun is electric an not a hydrogen fusion generator and it is changing as we enter this new magnetic stream coming from the Galactic Center... And too, with no other obvious reasons for the increase in the LIGHT we have been feeling these past 2 days... That it is a different "frequency" and octave of frequency being beamed at us, well that begins to make sense when you look at all going on in a Bigger Picture... ha... Whats happening for sure? I certainly don't know, YET.. but we are witnessing something very wonderful and magical


I believe that the energy

cloud9's picture

I believe that the energy coming from the sun is not magnetic.

It is crystalline. This crystalline energy is the energy of the Void and from 5th to 12th dinension in a 12 dimension model of existence.

This energy is also called  Zero Point, Quantum ,

It travels at 109x the speed of light, its path is called scalar. Manifest instantaneously. It zig-zags like a snake There are many references to this new energy......The 13th sodiacal sign is called Ophicuus, the solar  serpent, the  kundalini, the year of the snake........the snake in the Aesclepius' healing Wand.


What the incessant bombarding of solar particles is doing now is activating the crystalline make-up of the 3rd dimension.


It means that our lightbodies are now waking up. We have crystalline structures that are now waking up. Watch out for these ones:


1.....The toroidal chamber that sits around the heart chakra is beginning to wake up. This donut shape geometry of light is the control panel for the Merkabah, among other things.It is crystalline energy. You can now order it to spin and it will kick the thymus to emit frequencies that will boost your immune system up above the miasms, it means it will erase any disease .


2...There is a diamond structure that is in the middle of the Heart Torus.  The Jewel in the Heart of The Lotus (Buddhist teaching) ..  Crystalline also.The   Heart Torus moves about like a gyroscope around it.  This diamond structure is a probability field.  This is where you create anthing that  your heart desires . You can tractor beam whatever it is you want.(manifestation)  You can heal by playing with these probability lines. The Jewel  emits uncountable probability lines. When you want to move from  one galaxy to another , you plot your destination in this room and your Merkabah will get you there,Merkabah folds time and space .  So, you can teleport, levitate, with this device...all inside of you, part of who you are.......


3...Your mind has been fractured in 3 places.conscious, subconscious and

Unconscious (Soul). ; Your Chakras were separated  with chakra plates and were vibrating in different frequencies; Your physical, mental and emotional bodies were also fragmented..... thanks to the old planetary implant called "The Beast, The 666Seal

.........the crystalline frequency will snap  all your separated bodies  back,  called DEFRAGMENTATION, so that you are totally unified inside the Unified Field. 

When your minds are unified, every vibration in your mental and emotional bodies that are not you will LET GO, be DEMAGNATIZED. and the 8 crystalline master

cells will download. It will wake up all your psychic abilities...telepathy, inner knowing, inner hearing , inner feeling...including all your multidimensional abilities   and powers, as soon as you learn to  operate  all your chakras together. You will not think like a human anymore. You can now move mountains.

The Universe will call you Homo-Christos.


According to Mahala's Planet Alert  at www.mahalasastrology.com  there is a window ...middle of February  the Earth's  magnetic field is going to take a dive. It probably will cause a lot of shaking and will result in magnetic shift. The Earth will stop and then will resume spinning in a counterclockwise mode towards HOME. HEAVEN.

So, if this happens  what will happen to the human ......?  The human will become totally crystalline.  from carbon to crystalline.........this process is called ascension.

The incoming frequencies contain the gamma rays.......I believe they are encased in the photon units of light. The gamma rays are the cooking agent for our carbon bodies to become crystalline.  Most of you know this process already.


It' looking great........!






Bill Ballard

Ra-Raela's picture

Hi, I noticed that Bill isn't listed in the Galactic Lite Familyregister. How come? I would like to check out his website. The dude is cool and deserves some mention here!