t seems we are in that "rest stage" in the energies, a lull between the intensities of what we have been feeling since the first of the year, and where we will soon be. I have grown to recognize these times in my own ascension process as a time where we need to rest as things will soon heat up. Much is happening on all fronts and the cosmic front is the one that most interests me. A new wave of CMEs will be incoming tomorrow, as one did yesterday that along with a planetary alignment caused an 8 magnitude quake in the Pacific. There is so much going on in the lives of the collective too, different characteristics being seen of those on the various dimensional levels of awareness. To me, remaining in the bliss of my heart chakra, feeling the energies and just being an observer of what is going on around me is such a wonderful thing. I wish I could share my bliss with all...
hehehee. I AM also glad with
hehehee. I AM also glad with you about the power plant closing. So inspirational for me in my quest to rid homelessness or at least have a profound impact on the goal of riding homelessness. Thanks Uncle Bill.
Love swirling GeeTa